Saturday, September 21, 2013

Liz Gets Hers - Part I

Sorry for the delay everyone. I rewrote this a few times trying to get it just right.
For those that don't know, this is a followup to the stories "Shannon's Spankings".

Liz stood facing the door. It seemed so .. solid. Like a doorway to another world. And it was. A doorway to comfort and warmth, structure, guidance and all things good. Under one arm she had a bunch of clothes. The other held a sack of random items. Things she needed and some things she didn't. But she had clung to them to maintain her sanity. It wasn't easy living on the street.

 The last week had not been easy on her. In fact the last months had not been easy on her at all. She thought back on how she came to be in front of Shannon's apartment door in this state.

 After high school both of them had gone off to college. Shannon, due to her upbringing, had excellent grades. She easily made it into a nice four year college with a scholarship and got a part time job. Leaving high school was good for her. College was a place to start over, blossom and become a confident adult.

 Liz managed to get into a state college. But soon enough Liz's partying caught up with her. Her good looks and "I can never do wrong" attitude made her much too popular with the boys. First came academic probation. Then she failed out completely. But Liz hid it from everyone for awhile. She still went to her sorority, classes and school. Eventually the sorority did a background review and kicked her out of the sorority house for not being a student. She briefly moved back with her parents but they were livid at her lying and spending their money for nothing.

 Her parents gave her one more chance at rehabilitation. They arranged for her room with Shannon and start over at the junior college. But she blew that chance. She was a terrible roommate and clashed with Shannon repeatedly about cleaning and partying.  After awhile Shannon got fed up. One day Shannon had announced she was going to spank Liz! Liz was livid at the idea. Was *she* a child? No way that goody two shoes Shannon was going to spank her! Who the hell did she think she was? There had been a big fight over it. Oh nothing happened except for a lot of yelling and confrontation. True the cops were called but no charges filed. But the end result was Liz was kicked out. She had to leave.

 For awhile she lived on friend's couches. Her parents wouldn't take her back, that was sure. They told her to go back to Shannon's. No way! She briefly had an image of herself over Shannon's lap, bawling like a little girl, ass being smacked with a hairbrush. I'm not a child! she angrily thought to herself. Shannon's the child. Shannon's the one who got spanked, not her. But soon her welcome wore out at her friends. People you party with aren't really your friends, she realized. They're only friends when you can get into clubs or meet guys. But they're quick to throw you away when things go wrong.

 She stayed in her car a few nights and showered at the gym. Last night she had finally come to the realization that she had to go back. Back to Shannon. But she also remembered the conversation they had awhile ago.

 "If you want to live here you're going to follow the rules." Shannon had told her back then. Was this Shannon, the gawky insecure girl from high school? Liz had thought. "Liz, look at me," Shannon had told her sharply. "I'm not putting up with any more crap. You break the rules, you get a spanking. That's the way it is. Bare. Hard." Shannon had stared meaningfully at Liz. "I'm not doing a stupid demerit system. None of this, 10 smacks for 1 demerit. One demerit for not cleaning the kitchen. I decide when the spanking is over. I decide what you get. If you don't like it you can leave."

 Liz thought back about that conversation and bit her lip. She was worried and she knew it. She raised her hand and knocked on the door.

[Read Part 2 Here]


  1. Lovely intro. Don't keep us waiting too long for the follow up. Please :)

  2. OMG! I have been checking this site several times a day for about three weeks waiting for liz to get her ass BEAT!

    1. Hope you like it so far. You'll have to be patient. Liz has to start at the beginning.

  3. Not at all what I was hoping for! With Henry's influence, liz's parents should not have let her fall so far. Punishment like Shannon's would have sorted her out long ago!

    1. Don't forget the beginning of Shannon's story. Liz was a hellraiser but managed to keep it a secret. High school is easy to slide by especially for good looking "angels". But college is where life starts to get "real".

      Also, it may not be obvious but Ron doesn't believe in the same discipline as Henry. That's why Kevin was so interested before. But when Ron realizes how bad it's gotten he supports Shannon's actions. Thats why they won't take Liz back.

      Keep reading! You won't be disappointed. ;-)

  4. I'd like to suggest another approach. Later the evening of Shannon's spanking (or maybe a week or two later) Kevin and Liz get into a minor argument about something. Liz gets annoyed and tells her brother that he better shut up and do what he says or she'll get him a really severe spanking the way she did to Shannon. Kevin says that Liz didn't get Shannon a severe spanking, she just happened to be around when Henry saw Shannon misbehaving. Liz and Kevin get into an argument and start raising their voices. Liz (loudly) tells Kevin just how she taunted Shannon all day to get Shannon to finally lose her temper. Unfortunately for Liz, their raised voices get Ron's and Kate's attention (or Ron's and Kate's and Henry's and Shannon's mother's attention). They hear Liz explaining what she did to Shannon as she threatens Kevin. They realize that it was Liz, not Shannon, who caused all the trouble and that Liz should be punished as severely as Shannon was and that Shannon should have a major role in administering Liz's punishment. Since Ron doesn't have any experience doing this, first Henry gives Liz a real warmup, then Shannon works her over, then Ron (who has been watching to learn how to to do it) punishes Liz under Henry's supervision, then Kevin, who was threatened by Liz, gets to spank her for that. Then to keep Liz in line in the future, Kevin and Shannon are told to keep an eye on her (for the next five years). If either of them feel that Liz has misbehaved or shown a bad attitude, they can give Liz a choice. Liz can either agree to be punished by Shannon and Kevin, or Liz can elect to have a family gathering where Henry, Ron, Shannon, and Kevin all punish her.

    1. Well you've written the whole story yourself! Good job. Maybe you should submit guest fiction.

    2. I'm not sure that I'm ready to write a story, but I do have a few more ideas. Since Shannon's ordeal was on Thanksgiving, maybe the argument between Liz and Kevin happens when the families get together again for Christmas (by which time Shannon is feeling a little better and prepared to play her role in discipling Liz),

      Ron and Kate don't have sufficient time to watch Liz closely, so Kevin and Shannon are deputized to do that - Shannon to watch Liz at school and Kevin to watch Liz at home. They are also deputized as Liz's disciplinarians. Kevin and Shannon have a great deal of power over Liz, because then can interpret anything she does (or doesn't do) as "arrogance" and a sign of a bad attitude. Liz doesn't really have much choice about accepting punishment from Kevin and Shannon, because if they decide that she deserves punishment and she doesn't accept it from them, she will get much more severe punishment from Henry and Ron plus Kevin and Shannon. Also, Shannon has taken pictures of Liz being punished (video using her cellphone?) that Shannon can show at school if Liz refuses to accept punishment. As Liz's disciplinarians, Kevin and Shannon might decide that Liz needs maintenance spanking to keep her in line. Shannon and Kevin (particularly as Kevin gets a little older and more interested in girl's bodies) can, at any time, Tell Liz to raise her skirt and lower her panties so that they can check whether the effects of the last maintenance spanking are still there or Liz needs another maintenance spanking. Kevin likes running his hands over his big sister's naked bum as he is checking whether it needs to be "touched up" a bit.

    3. Liz finds these "inspections" of her rear end deeply embarrassing and humiliating, particularly when Kevin's fingers roam between her labia and into her anus, and when Kevin or Shannon make her strip nude below the waist, lie on her back, spread her arms out to the right and left from her sides and bring her feet back toward her head with her legs spread wide enough so that she can hold each ankle in her spread out arms. (This last position is very convenient not only for a thorough inspection, but also for immediately applying any "touch up" deemed necessary.) Despite the embarrassment and humiliation, Liz doesn't dare resist because that would be arrogant disobedience and merit a full-fledged punishment spanking rather than just a maintenance spanking.

      The other kids at school notice that Liz has become very respectful and obedient to Shannon, although she is still arrogant, supercilious, and condescending to them. As one or two of them mention that to Shannon, Shannon arranges a punishment spanking for Liz, enforcing the point that Liz should be respectful and polite to the students who complained. As the results are seen by other students, more and more students report Liz's behavior to Shannon and Shannon arranges more punishment sessions for Liz. This is repeated until Liz has learned to be respectful and polite to just about everybody at school and everybody reports Liz's lapses to Shannon. Even the teachers figure out what is going on and report Liz's behavior to Shannon. At first Kevin and Shannon would get together and punish Liz together. Kevin and Liz still talk on the phone once a week about Liz's behavior, but when their schedules don't permit getting together, they sometimes decide that Kevin will punish Liz at home or Shannon will punish Liz at school.

      In the same way that much earlier, Henry's punishments of Shannon broke her disobedient streak and made he a polite and obedient girl, Kevin and Shannon's punishments of Liz have broken her arrogant, supercilious, and condescending streak and made her a polite and respectful girl - so punishment spankings are rarely necessary. However, Kevin and Shannon know that the maintenance spankings are necessary to keep Liz in line. In their weekly phone conversations, Kevin and Shannon discuss when Liz should get her next maintenance spanking. Sometimes its once a week, sometimes less frequently, but always at least once a month. They continue this through Liz's four years in college - not only as way to control Liz's behavior, but also to ensure that she keeps up her grades (punishment spankings for bad grades) and to control her interactions with boys. This whole program is a success and Liz "graduates" from it when she graduates from college. While Liz would never admit it to anyone, she really appreciates how Kevin and Shannon have turned her life around and made her a better person. She secretly hopes that someone will do the same thing for her own daughter if she has a daughter who is as bratty as she was.

    4. Another fragment:
      Kevin had no disciplinary reason for examining Liz's breasts - after all, no discipline was applied to her breasts. But it was deeply humiliating for Liz to have her little brother handle her breasts and he enjoyed doing it. Her humiliation and his enjoyment were justification enough. In the same way that, anytime he wanted to, he could order Liz to raise her skirt and lower her panties so that he could look at and feel her buttocks and thighs to see how red they were, how warm they felt and whether the welts still stood out, he could also order her to remove her blouse and take off her bra, so he could look at her breasts, heft them to see how heavy they felt, squeeze them to feel how firm they were, and flick her nipples to see how they engorged. The first time Kevin told Liz to remove her blouse and take off her bra, she refused, so he considered that arrogant disobedience. He tried to arrange a punishment session with Shannon, but Liz refused that also. So Kevin and Shannon contacted Henry and Ron, and told them that Liz was refusing to accept punishment. Ron and Kate brought Liz and Kevin to Shannon's house. Liz tried to explain that Kevin wanted her to bare her tits. Ron and henry told her that that wasn't their problem - Kevin and Shannon were her disciplinarians and they tried to arrange a punishment session for her, but she refused, so now she was going to learn the consequences of refusing to accept punishment from her designated disciplinarians. Ron and Henry undressed her, and Henry paddled her with a hairbrush, Ron whipped her with a strap, and they made her go out and cut a switch that they took turns using on her. She was then offered an opportunity to accept her punishment from Kevin and Shannon with the assurance that if she didn't accept it willingly, the hairbrush/strap/switch process would be repeated until she was willing to accept her punishment from Kevin and Shannon. After she finally accepted punishment from Kevin and Shannon, Liz resolved to never get in that situation again. She would have to submit to whatever Kevin and Shannon wanted to do to her, to avoid having to endure having Ron and Henry work on her first.

      The next time Kevin ordered Liz to remove her blouse and take off her bra, she still couldn't bring herself to do it, so she again refused. Kevin again considered that arrogant disobedience. He arranged a punishment session with Shannon. This time Liz very reluctantly went along because she certainly didn't want to have to face Ron and Henry again. She also thought that Shannon might be more sympathetic to the humiliation of a girl about her own age being forced to bare her breasts to her own younger brother. As it turned out, Shannon was much more sympathetic to the humiliation and agony that Liz caused her to suffer (some of which Liz personally delivered to Shannon) than she was to any of Liz's concerns about modesty. Kevin and Shannon gave Liz a sound spanking.

      From that point on, Liz knew that when Kevin wanted to handle her breasts and she refused and he decided that she needed to be punished, Shannon would support Kevin, not her. Liz also knew that when Kevin and Shannon decided she should be punished and she refused, Ron, Kate, Henry and Shannon's mom would support Kevin and Shannon, not her. And Ron and Henry would whip Liz until she "willingly" accepted punishment from Kevin and Shannon. Even though Shannon wasn't particularly interested in Liz's breasts, she saw how humiliated Liz was and added the breast examination to her own repertoire. So Liz had to raise her shirt and lower her panties to have her buttocks and thighs examined and felt and to remove her blouse and take off her bra to have her breasts examined and felt by both Kevin and Shannon.

    5. NOTE: I started these comments as an outline for my idea of a story in which Shannon gets revenge against Liz. As an outline, it mentions spankings but doesn't describe them. To become a spanking story, the mentions of spankings would need to replaced with substantial descriptions of those spankings, the various pieces would have to be arranged in a reasonable order, and some better continuity would have to be written connecting the pieces. If that were done, this might make a reasonable spanking story.

    6. Oh, one small piece that I forgot:
      At the Christmas party, before the argument between Liz and Kevin, Liz's parents note how mature she is and invite Liz to partake in alcoholic drinks with them. She is told that she can have one drink. As you remember from the Shannon story, Liz has been drinking but hiding it from adults, so she thinks she can handle alcohol. So she sneaks a second and third drink. Kevin sees her and threatens to tell. Liz then threatens Kevin about getting him spanked the way she did Shannon. Liz can't handle her alcohol quite as well as she thinks she can, and the three drinks lead her to say what she normally wouldn't have (about how she kept taunting Shannon until Shannon, finally lost her temper) and to forget that all the parents were in the next room, and raise her voice so that the parents hear her.

    7. This is fantastic stuff. You pretty much have a whole story here. I'm going to take some of your ideas into consideration.

  5. where is part 2 i'm waiting i love the story pls write faster i can't wait to read more

    1. Sorry. I was distracted by feedback posted in previous comments. I had to rework sections of the story. But I'm planning on releasing today.

  6. I agree with other writers--this is a bit of a disappointment. The payback should have happened soon after Sharron's did. It should have happened in much the same manner. I don't like the fact that Liz's parents never punish her thus severely darkening her future! A good tanning from Sharron, Henry, etc. would have stopped all that right in the bud!
