Saturday, January 5, 2013

Brenda - part 1 M/F

Brenda glumly sat on the bench in the hall while chattering students rushed about. She closed her eyes in an effort to calm her stomach. She didn't know what was in store for her but she knew it was bad. She closed her eyes in an attempt to calm her stomach and reflected on the the events which she regretted oh so much.


Last month her statistics professor, Dr. Theron, had assigned the class a midterm project. It wasn't all that difficult, even though Brenda hated math. But it was tedious, which she hated even more. Of course, it was exactly the type of project that Dr. Theron liked to assign.

Dr. Theron was a relatively new member of the faculty. He was younger than the average professor. At least, younger looking. Brenda didn't quite know how old he was. All she knew was that she was hopelessly infatuated with him. She wasn't usually attracted to faculty, but something about him was different. He was handsome of course, but there was something about him that really drew her. Maybe it was because most of the guys she dated were brainless frat boys, always loud and boisterous. Each one trying to out do the other, and loudly telling outrageous stories in obvious attempts to impress her. Dr. Theron on the other hand was quite the opposite. He carried himself with an understated self confidence. In class, he lectured quite efficiently, expressing all the mathematical theorems in ways that the liberal arts majors could understand quite well. He spoke with quiet authority but would raise his voice when needed. Woe be the student who forgot her homework. A raised tone and a hard look was all it took to reduce the student to an blushing apologetic mess. But he was fair and an enthusiastic teacher and so well liked.

Brenda had tried to work on the project, but of course being an attractive, no, make that *hot* college coed meant guys were always asking her to parties. And she liked to party. Long story short, the project wasn't ready in time. She needed an extra day. The solution was to fake turning in the project, finish it that night, sneak into his office the next day and put the project in with the others. No one would be the wiser. It was quite a good plan that would have worked except for one small detail. Brenda didn't realize at the time that there were two piles on the desk. One corrected and one uncorrected. She accidentally put the paper in the corrected pile.

Later when the professor was finishing his grading he realized that one student had no grade. He went back through the papers and found the missing project. He thought something was strange and when he talked to some other faculty soon found out that Brenda had been seen in the office area the day before. He quickly put two and two together and realized she must have snuck in his office. Instead of grading her report he wrote a note on it for her to show up at his office hours the next day.


Brenda sat on the bench glumly staring at her project. Instead of a grade, there was a neatly written note across the top. Please come to my office hours. That's all it said. He knows, she thought. What's going to happen? Her stomach did backflips as she sat there, waiting for the students inside his office to leave.

[Read Part 2 Here]

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