[Continued from Part 1]
"I'm sorry everyone, but todays office hours is over. I'd be happy to answer more questions but I have some business to attend to. If you like, you can wait outside while I take care of this. It'll probably take about half an hour."
The students glanced at each other with perplexed looks. Shrugging, they walked outside still discussing amongst themselves the different homeworks. Outside, Brenda shrank down in embarrassment. One of the male students had glanced down at her with a questioning look. Was *she* the business to attend to? Brenda hoped they'd go away. Maybe to the cafe for a coffee. Surely, they wouldn't wait outside!
She didn't have a chance to watch them further as she heard Dr. Theron come outside. His stern gaze motioned her inside. With her head down in embarrassment she quickly scurried in, her arms holding her books tightly across her chest. She barely noticed the other students watching the whole event with wide eyed wonder.
Dr. Theron made an imposing figure. It wasn't his height or size. True his well muscled arms were barely hidden behind that short sleeve shirt. But it was rather his look that was daunting. He stood right in front of her, arms crossed, feet apart with a look on his face that was carved in stone. His eyes glittered as he stared at her with a gaze that seemed to hold her breathless. Brow slightly furrowed, he asked in his usual moderate tone, "I'll get straight to the point Brenda. Did you turn in your project with the rest of the class?"
Brenda's legs almost buckled. He did know! Her mind flittered about madly, trying to think of what to do. Lie, admit everything? What should she do. She could tell the truth and maybe he'd be lenient. But she was afraid of what might happen. Then again, how could he know. No, it was better to lie. He couldn't really know. Maybe he was suspicious but if she batted her eyelids and smiled right maybe she could get him to forget about the whole thing, just like the other guys in her life. It always seemed to work on the frat boys...
She felt her face flush and that made her more nervous. Don't give it away! she thought. Be strong. "Yes, um," she cleared her voice. "Yes of course I did," she said in what she thought was a clear but normal voice. She straightened her back a bit and tried to smile. But it was hard. She could feel her pulse quickening as her flush seemed to creep along her skin.
Dr. Theron wasn't fooled for a second. He could tell by her mannerism how she was trying to lie. The hair twirling in her hand and the smile, it might work on a drunken boy at a party but did nothing to sway his conviction.
"Brenda, don't lie to me." he said in a steely voice. "You're just going to make it worse."
The office seemed to shrink. Suddenly she found it too small, too hot. Breaths came a bit harder. Her resolve wilted.
"Sir, I did. Really," she said in a quiet voice. She was unable to look him in the face. She knew she was not presenting a strong case but she couldn't help it. There was nothing she could hide before him like this. In fact, the previous attempt to seduce him with her smile and head toss seemed to backfire. It reduced her to a pretty girl in front of a strong man. In her own eyes she lost her status as an intelligent, independent woman. Instead she was a naughty little girl, caught in a lie.
Dr. Theron didn't say anything. He knew he had her. He just stood there and stared at her. Brenda was extremely uncomfortable. She shifted from foot to foot, mind racing. How to get out of this now? She knew her guilt was plain, but was afraid to say anything. She didn't know how long they stood there, face to face, but every second was torture.
"Brenda, I have a security camera in my office." Dr. Theron pointed to the opposite corner where atop the bookcase was a tiny wireless internet camera. "I've seen everything." In fact, Dr. Theron had just put that camera in place that morning. It wasn't even hooked up. But he knew it was all it took to force Brenda to confess.
Brenda looked behind her with a start. A security camera! Oh no! So he had seen everything. She wrung her hands. Her books fell to the ground with a loud clump. "Sir I'm so sorry! Really, its just, I was so sick and I couldn't do the homework..." She started babbling frantically, trying to make up for her previous lies. Saying anything, how sick she was, how sick her mom was, how busy she was from her job etc. But the professor wasn't buying any of it. With his typical stern demearnor he asked her questions, cut her off when she spoke too long, rejected her ridiculous excuses with a stern shake of his head. She was totally lost now and she knew it. He repeatedly caught in her lies with her previous lies and got her so tangled up at the end the only thing she knew for sure was that she had tried to cheat.
Dr. Theron put on his strictest tone, "Brenda, you may not be aware of this but ever since Cal State Hayward became Cal State East Bay, there were numerous changes made to the school charter. Evidently students came to the Cal State system thinking it was a big party school. The Board of Regents decided to combat the lack of ethics with a new progressive strategy. I'd personally call it retro actually. Regardless, the new policy deals with corporal punishment. There are two sides to this coin of course and you may choose to avoid it but if you're at all interested in your well being you won't. The down side of course, is that it will hurt. Believe me, I will do my best to give you a punishment that will remain in your mind for a long time. The up side, is that the whole event is expunged and no record of it is made. In the event you decide against accepting the punishment, your record will be demarcated appropriately and you'll go before the student disciplinary council and face expulsion hearings. It's up to you."
Brenda felt dizzy all of a sudden. Corporal punishment?? could they do that? She was 26! An adult, not a child! But she knew her actions were foolish. And if she got a note on her record, what would that do for her job chances. Who would want to be counseled by a clinical psychologist who was a known liar and cheat. The office seemed so quiet as she thought of her choices. With an embarrassed start she realized she could hear other students outside. Their low voices were indistinguishable but they were there. Evidently waiting to come in. Oh the humiliation!
Her mouth dry she nodded her head. She was so scared. Her parents had punished her as a child and she knew what would come. But for that to be done here, now, her mind couldn't accept it. She was almost disbelieving when she said yes in her small voice.
"Very well Brenda. we'll take care of it now. Remove your shoes and skirt. Now!" Dr. Theron barked the last command out to startle her into work. Teary eyed she hastily complied. Her face blushed as she wondered if she wore her "cute" panties today. The blush deepened when she thought of the ridiculousness of worrying about panties when she was soon to be spanked, and spanked hard!
Dr. Theron took her by the arm and led her to a corner of the office. With a quick tug, he pulled her panties down about her knees. He raised her arms above her head and sternly instructed her to stay there. Frozen with humiliation she could only obey. She then heard him walk across the room and open the door! Oh my god! she thought. What is he doing?
The other students came in a rush again bursting with questions. Then they all stopped as they saw her, in the corner, hands on head, panties down. There was a brief pause and then laughter. The boys leered of course, taking in the sight of Brenda's beautiful butt. The girls looked at each other laughing, a bit jealous of her looks, a bit embarrassed for her. Also glad it wasn't them. The laughter was more subdued when the professor sternly told everyone not to mind Brenda. His "other business" took more time than anticipated and he wanted to clear up everyone's questions so they could go home and study.
When Brenda heard the other students come in she almost fainted. She couldn't believe everyone could see her like that. But she didn't know what to do. She couldn't turn and face them, they'd see her face. But on the other hand they were looking at her bare behind. Helpless she stood there as tears dribbled down her cheeks. Why did she cheat? Why did she lie? All that stupid partying. It wasn't worth this, she thought.
The minutes ticked by as everyone got their time with the professor. He answered everyones questions thoroughly. Didn't seem like he was in a rush. Occasionaly the waiting students would glance over at Brenda in the corner and grin, imagining what was to come. No more sympathetic glances now. More wishful gazes of lust, eager to see the upcoming spectacle.
Of course the Professor would have none of that. It wasn't proper. Like letting them see her in the corner was! But he drew the line somewhere. He ushered the students out with admonitions to go home and study and closed the door. Of course they didn't leave. Rather they stood outside, discussing the homework half heartedly while trying to strain to hear what was going on inside.
[Read Part 3 Here]
Poor Brenda--but then again it's her own fault.