Thursday, October 17, 2024

Belinda's American Education - Aftercare - Part 8

[Continued From - Part 7]

When Belinda opened her eyes she was a bit disoriented. She sat up and slowly gathered her wits. Her bottom still had a fiery glow from her punishment and judging from the clock on the wall she had been out just ten minutes or so. Apparently after the punishment she had been brought to this .. room? She looked around and saw a rather plain room with the minimum of furniture. A sofa, a few chairs here and there, a shallow cabinet on the wall and such. Nothing notable but it was spacious. She was now wearing the plain gray shift similar to the ones worn by the reformatory girls but sans underwear. Then she remembered being pulled off the punishment bench and carried here. The “Recovery Room” is what Brittany had called it. She tried to find a comfortable position on the sofa but with her welted bottom she mostly had to kneel. She stood up and tested the door. Locked. Apparently there was more than just recovery done here. Apprehensively she waited on the sofa. It was a bit difficult to sit due to the condition of her bottom so she had to resort to kneeling.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Just Another Day in the Tuttle Convent

Author's note: Time for another of my "Tuttle" stories set in a Southern US town during the 1950s.  Like most of these stories, the discipline is not nearly as severe as my judicial stories. 

This story is a little different in that it focuses on nuns not as disciplinarians, but as the recipients of discipline. Saying that, there is some reference to the fact that these "disciplined" nuns are also required to maintain order and dispense discipline in their classrooms.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Just Another Day at the Office after WWIII - Part 3

To recap... Carolyn had just recieved a sound spanking from her boss, Robert.  She had actually volunteered for this spanking rather than have any blemishes on her employment record.  Remember 'good jobs' were impossible to find, and even 'bad jobs' were hard to come by!

The 'company strap' was introduced early on in chapter 1.  In this chapter, you'll see how the 'company paddle' is put to good use ensuring production workers meet their daily quotas. You will also see the formality and rigid process company uses in their daily group punishment sessions.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Belgravia: Another Side - Part 4


Author's Note: Like most serialized stories, you will have difficulty understanding what's going on, if you haven't read the earlier parts.  In this case, Part 3 (see below) will provide fairly adequate context.

My focus so far in this story has been the discipline imposed upon the servant class by the upper-class. This part is no different and once again, we have a detailed example of workplace discipline.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Just Another Day at the Office after WWIII - Part 2

To recap… We are 5 years after the official end of WWIII (The Great Muslim War) and re-populating the earth was the prime objective.  Billions died while the conflict raged on and when ended, left the remaining population unbalanced.  The death toll was heaviest among men, leaving the world with five females to each male.

So, a “new order” was created.  Men assumed all positions of leadership, management and decision making.  Women worked exclusively for men and there really weren't that many jobs, as so much was destroyed during the war. For single women, scratching out a living was NOT easily done.

Needless to say, men were expected to maintain order both at home and at work. So what follows is a typical day at the office...

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Just Another Day at the Office after WWIII - Part 1

This story predates my Tuttle stories, and all these stories are sequential. Thus, they must be read in order; otherwise, they won't make any sense.  I purposely discarded this scheme for my Tuttle stories, where each story is a stand-alone and can be read in any order.  

Negative Utopias have always fascinated me.  My "world" here is clearly negative for some members, but for males... maybe not so much!  So, an imperfect Negative Utopia, but a complex one!  The challenge for readers is to keep everything straight as I keep adding new parts to this unusual world.  Rest assured there is plenty of strict discipline dispensed to "deserving" females.  As in all my stories, punishment is only given upon the violation of clearly established rules.  One might say the "rules" are unfair, but the recipients knew the potential consequences upon committing their transgressions. 

Anyhow, please enjoy part 1 of an unusual new world... 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Just Another Day at Tuttle High

Author's note: This is another of my "Tuttle" stories set in a Southern US town during the 1950s.  Like most of these stories, the discipline is not nearly as severe as my judicial stories. Plot is straightforward making for a very easy read for our viewers who are not native English speakers.

(A school secretary suggests that she be paddled, just as she had been in school, instead of losing her job.)

Saturday, April 20, 2024


Today we are pleased to post a story submitted by one of our frequent commenters, bripuk.  I really like what he's done here.  He took the story from Nell's Farewell and did his own version of the story.  It's a far, far easier read than my translation, yet I believe he's captured the essence of the formal punishments dispensed by the House of Corrections.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Nell in Bridewell - Part 9 - Forward


In this post, we will provide both the original German and my translation into English of the Forward to Lenchen im Zuchthause written by the book's author, Wilhelm Reinhard.  Now, the Forward was the very first thing one would encounter in this book published in 1840. Curiously enough, this Forward was NOT included in any subsequent German reprints nor in any of the English translations. (Images above are complements of Sir Henry and as always, simply click on the image to see it full sized.)

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Formal Welcome to a House of Correction

You'll probably recognize the image above, as I've used it as a "tease" in another post.  There is, however, a slight difference since I modified the original drawing.  Challenge for you is to see whether you can find my modification. (To make this task easier, you should click on the drawing to view full size.)
Anyway, in this post I plan to talk about Formal Welcomes to a House of Correction.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Just Another Day in the Sewing Room

Coming up with an image to depict what my story is about always makes for a challenge, except in this case!  For this story the image came first, as I was challenged to write a story explaining what's going on in the drawing.  My story then represents my interpretation of the events taking place.

Obviously, there is an unlimited number of interpretations of the actions depicted in this drawing.  What we'd like to hear is YOUR interpretation.  You can post as a comment or email me at:

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Nell in Bridewell - Part 8

Here is the final part of Nell's Farewell and indeed, it includes Nell's formal Farewell from the House of Correction.  It's significantly longer than the other parts, but there is a lot more going on coupled with lots of comments from the female spectators.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Nell in Bridewell - Part 7

Again a brief recap:  We've just completed Fritz's "Welcome" to the House of Correction.  Fritz, of course, is Lottie's lover/ex-lover and it was Lottie's plan to set fire to her Uncle's house that landed them both in prison.  Now, it's time for Lottie's formal Welcome to the House of Correction.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Nell in Bridewell - Part 6

Again a brief recap:  Nell learns that her formal "Farewell" will be "moderate" and will be carried out at the same time as the "Welcomes" for a young arsonist and her lover.  At the very end of Nell's last letter, we learn that Nell has been charged with dispensing the Welcomes for the two young people.  This was a "twist" that I never saw coming!

As for how Nell's Farewell compares with that postscript in both Nell in Bridewell and Lenchen in Zuchthause, the huge difference is the formal Farewell.  In all of these, Nell gets a pardon and a release from the House of Correction.  Only in Lenchens Abschied, however, is Nell subjected to that formal Farewell.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Nell in Bridewell - Part 5

Just a brief recap:  so far, we've heard that Marie has obtained a pardon for her good friend, Nell.  Now, we hear from Nell on just how the pardon and Farewell will play out.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Nell in Bridewell - Part 4

Above is one sample sentence and one paragraph from "Lenchens Abschied".  In my last post, I mentioned that I was struggling with incredibly long, complex sentences.  So above you can see what I mean!  

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Nell in Bridewell - Part 3

As promised, in this part we'll share what we know (and it's not very much) about Lenchens Abschied or Nell's Farewell - An Addendum to Nell in Bridewell. (Click on the image to see FULL sized)

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Nell in Bridewell - Part 2

Those of you who have downloaded Nell from Library Genesis are probably wondering:

1.  which version did I get 

2.  what am I missing 

3. what is the relationship between the English and the German versions

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Nell in Bridewell - Part 1

Nell in Bridewell is one of the earliest and best examples of judicial corporal punishment in the English language, but... it is more than that! Indeed, there is so much going on in Nell that it is a fascinating read. Above are the covers for the two versions of Nell for which I am familiar.  At one time or another, I had in my possession a hard copy of these, but I never owned both versions at the same time.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Carry Out the Sentence


Today we are pleased to introduce a new author to Strict Spanking Stories, Kenny Walters.  Now for those of you who actively seek out spanking stories, Kenny is not "new" at all.  He is a most accomplished writer and the owner of the Over the Desk story site.  If you've never visited Kenny's site, I encourage you to stop over. 

While our focus on SSS tends towards the more strict or severe cp, Kenny's focus is Realism.  Specifically: "Realism is a key feature of our stories, whether or not they reflect what is actually happening in the world today...  Punishments should be realistic. Excessive punishments do not work for us."

Kenny's story is a great fit for SSS and we encourage him to write more "judicial" stories.  At the same time, I enjoy a good school spanking story and will continue to savor the good stories on Over the Desk.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Sorority Discipline Delegated


Author's note: This is another of my "Tuttle" stories set in a Southern US town during the 1950s.  Like most of these stories, the discipline is not nearly as severe as my judicial stories.  It's more a bit of "light fluff" and a relatively easy read.

The challenge when writing a sorority story is to differ from the 1000s of stories out there. Indeed, this is NOT the typical jealous, big sister paddling her pretty pledge's behind at every opportunity. In fact, I don't recall ever reading a "sorority story" quite like mine.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Belinda's American Education - Punishment - Part 7

[Continued from Belinda's American Education - Preparation for Punishment - Part 6]


Belinda’s anger turned to panic as the principal tap-tap-taped the razor strap against her scandalously raised bottom.  “Ready, Belinda?” he asked, not waiting for an answer.  “Let us begin.” 

 The principal stepped back and raised the strap high in the air…


Time froze as the principal leaned back into his windup.  In that instant before the punishment began, Belinda experienced a moment of absolute clarity. 


Belinda was a beautiful young woman, and although she was an ardent feminist she knew how to maximize her sexuality for her own benefit.  Belinda could use a dropped pencil or an “accidental” flash of thigh to reward…or punish…the males she held in her grip.


Case in point was Professor Winters, the faculty advisor whose career had nearly been destroyed by Belinda’s sexual harassment suit.  Belinda had used her attractiveness to maneuver Winters under her thumb, then crush him like a bug when he failed to dance to her tune.


As she lay over the spanking bench Belinda sexiness was no longer under her control.  Belinda’s arms and ankles were strapped securely to the bench and she wiggled her fingers in frustration as she squirmed in helpless embarrassment. 


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Orange Turns BLACK AND BLUE - Part 2


Author's Note: While I have “dabbled” in Judicial Corporal Punishment, I consider myself more of a generalist. When I think about JCP, I divide it into two categories:

 Punishment awarded by a judge or magistrate

 Punishment awarded due to a failure to follow prison rules and regulations

I have little interest in the first category with one notable exception.  That would be the “Welcomes” and “Farewells”. Actually, these kind of fall into the cracks between the two categories, because... they are neither awarded by the court nor are they due to misbehavior in prison. In some respects, these are similar to School Corporal Punishment, where teacher(s) sentence(s) a delinquent to multiple detentions!  Since a student can only attend a single detention, the additional detentions are erased with strokes of the paddle, cane, strap etc... Note that the teacher(s) did NOT sentence the miscreant(s) to corporal punishment; it came about strictly due to school rules based upon the number of detentions.

So, the second category above, where punishments are awarded in reformatories due to misbehavior, I find most compelling.  Similarly, I like school paddling stories where punishment is “earned” either by misbehavior or poor scholastic results.

This brings us right to “Orange”. “Orange” is my attempt to weave these two ideas together into a single storyline.  Don't know if I've pulled it off successfully, but it has been fun!

In PART 1 (click here) you'll see that punishment dispensed to delinquent prison inmates is with a high school paddle!  In this part, you'll see some “refinements” of the AAP punishment program, but nothing really radical. (This part is also considerably shorter, because all the “scenario setup” - characters, AAP rules, and procedures, etc. - was done in Part 1.)

Friday, December 29, 2023

Under the Lights - F/F

 This is an old story sent in a long time ago.

Dear Barbie,
     My  roommate and I decided that spanking was a solution
to  our difficulties. If one of us messes up, the other  one
spanks. The culprit has no say in the matter. It is a matter
of  discipline  so  the spanker is like a parent.  Up  until
lately, I have received one spanking for every five  that  I
have  given  Connie. Connie is rather impulsive and  a  free
spirit.  She very seldom thinks before she gets herself  all
embroiled in something -- really too many things. She almost
never  plans and seems to have no organizational  skills.  I
suppose one would find me the opposite. We have been reading
your  publication since it started. Being  a  woman  of  the
modern times, I  walked into this little "adult" store  in  the
city.  I can't remember what statement I was making  for  my
feminism  that day but I found SPANKING: JUST US  GIRLS  and
bought  a copy. I had never seen a spanking magazine before.
I  must  say, that little store is the place for me. I  just
wish there were more women there on my lunch hour and not so
many guys. I feel like I should have a big red S stamped  on
my chest when I leave the store.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Belgravia: Another Side – Part 3

Author's Note: I had no intentions of continuing this story, but after receiving vast encouragement (actually 2.5 people said if I wasn't too busy, I should probably clean the snow out of my driveway), I subsequently decided writing was easier than shoveling.

Anyhow, it seems I have been somewhat remiss in failing to share what the Belgravia TV series was all about. I just assumed that the vast majority of our viewers would be from US, UK, and Canada, and therefore, could easily watch this series.  Eddard many months back turned-on Google Analytics so we now see the locations of our viewers' ISP.  Typically, what Google reports is number of hits from cities (Chicago, Paris, Rome, etc.) and countries. Thus, today we know our readers are far more diverse than we had originally thought. 

So to begin, Belgravia is a neighborhood in London.  To learn more click here:  Belgravia

The TV series is about the people who lived in Belgrave Square after its completion - mid 1840s.  Most of these people were rich aristocrats (landowners who also had majestic homes in large estates all over the England and Ireland).  There were also people from the newly emerging merchant class who made vast sums in trade utilizing the British Empires' incredible network of colonies rich in natural resources. Naturally, there is a “clash” between these people living so closely together. On the one hand, you have very industrious people working hard to make money and on the other, people who feel “entitled” and who just fritter away huge fortunes. Most surprisingly, we discover that it was the women who protected and defended this class structure.

My stories, however, are about “another side” of Belgravia.  That is, my stories focus mostly on the discipline that holds this society together, with special emphasis on the discipline of the underclass. These people have nothing and must work hard in support of the upper classes.  Indeed, obedience and hard work are required in order to assure their very survival.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Belgravia: Another Side – Part 2


Authors Note: Thus, this is not a stand-alone story. You must read Part 1 in order to understand how the characters got into this situation. Next, the drawing above depicts a "Welcome" to a penal institution, and one occurs at the very end of this part. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Belgravia: Another Side – Part 1

Having watched and immensely enjoyed the recent series, my thought was to pen a short story from the same time period. Above all else, what I learned from the series is how it was women who actually defended and enforced the class structure of that time. This reminds me of another writer's observation: “It is very remarkable how women are the guardians of the traditions of their own discipline.” 

My goal here then was to weave a tale mixing these two similar, yet radically different ideas together in one story....

Saturday, October 21, 2023

How Women Were Flogged in Russian Prisons

I admit that the illustration above is a tad misleading (click on the drawing to see full size).  It came from a book published in Germany in the year 1898, two years before this letter was publish. Nevertheless, it accurately depicts the typical discipline dispensed in prisons ruled by autocratic regimes at that time. Now the letter itself is dated July 25, 1880, but was publish in a book written by a Frenchman named Jean de Villiot in 1900.  There exists a very old English translation, but I've only seen fragments of it. What's posted here is my translation and while not perfect, I believe I've captured the essence of the good doctor's letter.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

On the Spot Can Be Better


This is my very first Tuttle story. The story posted earlier (Typical Tuttle MIL) is my most recent and there are several in between. It's difficult for us to know what stories to post here. Please feel free to add anonymous or named comments giving us some direction on the kinds of stories you want.  

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Sent for the Cane - Erotic Chastisement

This excellent work was published posthumously. The author died in 2015 and never got a chance to publish this treatise. Consequently, it has never been professionally edited. Nevertheless, it is a wonderful read for those interested in Erotic Chastisement.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Typical Tuttle Mother-in-Law

Author's Note:  Due to absolutely no demand whatsoever, I have decided to pen another story in my amazingly popular Tuttle series (and I wish to thank all THREE of you who have faithfully read the entire set of stories) set in a Southern town during the 1950s.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Justice Weekly


For 26 years from 1946 until 1972, Justice Weekly numbered among the tabloid press published in Toronto, Canada. While included in the sensational press, Justice Weekly was quite different, truly unique and never replaced. (Click on the pic above to read clearly front and back cover.)

Corporal Punishment was included somewhere in each issue – sometimes it was buried in an article or two, but frequently in the letters section. Mostly the focus was domestic, but not exclusively.  For example, there were numerous letters about the Toronto Women’s Reformatory, Andrew Mercer.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Belinda's American Education - Preparation for Punishment - Part 6

[Continued from  Belinda's American Education - Part 5]

The fact that she couldn’t possibly have contraband did not deter Miss Rawlings.  Belinda sobbed openly as garment by garment she slowly surrendered her dignity again. 

“This must be difficult for you, such an educated lady,” Miss Rawlings purred, as Belinda reluctantly relinquished her clothes.  “But we have rules. You should be wearing the regulation blue blazer with the school logo on it, so even if you do make it over the wall everyone who sees you will peg you as a snotty little brat who needs a good fanny tanning!  And that, my dear, is precisely what you are going to get!”
Rather than allowing her to strip at the Nurse’s office, Miss Rawlings “saved time” by forcing poor Belinda to strip near the storage area where her clothes were kept.  Then Miss Rawlings took the blushing Belinda by the ear and marched her, buck naked, past numerous groups of workmen on the long trek to the nurse’s office.

Friday, August 18, 2023

1948 Mercer Riot gets some women strapped!

Seems like 10 strokes wasn't enough if 10 more continued to be problematic and even 5 more were repeatedly so. 

Readers, what do you think they should have done instead? 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Belinda's American Education - Escape - Part 5

[Continued from Belinda's American Education - Stepmother - Part 4]

 *** Excerpts from Belinda’s Dissertation***

“Most women think themselves superior to their unfortunate sisters forced to bend and bare for discipline.  Indeed, the typical housewife or business woman finds it difficult to imagine herself strapped down over a punishment trestle for the strap or cane.

“Surely I would never drop my pants on command, or touch my toes, or wiggle my bare fanny under the strap!  After all, I am a lady!”

What these women fail to understand is the difference between a lady and a reformatory guttersnipe is not the way she acts but the way that she is treated.”  


Monday, January 2, 2023

How Sexual It is! (F/FF, hairbrush, strap)

I got this story off an old forum a long time ago. Almost forgot about it.

My  most memorable spanking happened several years  ago
about  two days before my wedding. I have three sisters  and
two  of  them were already home with their husbands, waiting
for  the  wedding. One of my sisters and I have a  difficult
time  getting along when the stress is high and believe  me,
right  before a wedding in the home of the bride, stress  is

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Cheyenne's Barn Thrashing - cont'd

Sorry everyone. I didn't realize I never published this. 

Cheyenne bucked desperately, hands gripping at the cloth thrown over the hay bales. Her cries had turned to howls as Edward laid on stripe after stripe. She at least knew better than to try and cover her butt with her hands so she clung as tight as she could to the cloth. Tears ran down her face as she begged, begged for him to stop. First it was stop, then she promised to be a good girl, then she just had the strength to say please.

Finally it was over and she slumped over the bale, weeping, exhausted, fire raging across her ass. Both cheeks and some of her thighs were criss crossed with an angry red patchwork of dark red lines. The red halos of fire surrounding each stripe combined to make her ass a brilliant red and a few weals rose on the once smooth skin. She sobbed into the blanked as she lay exhausted, arms and legs limp. Behind her she heard Edward cleaning up the switches and moving things around. The sounds seemed so distant as she slowly gathered her strength. Finally she struggled up, heedless of her nakedness.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Apologies for tardiness

Hello everyone. As you probably noticed I have been absent for quite a while. I have been checking in on the site but haven't had time to post anything. 

I just noticed that a lot of comments were posted and held up in moderation for quite a long time. In some cases years! What happened was I got a lot of spam comments from China. In order to stop things I set comments to moderated only. I thought I'd be notified by email anytime there was a comment but I must have disabled that also As a result a number of people posted comments and they remained in purgatory until now. I'll be more diligent on checking messages and comments going forward.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Belinda's American Education - Stepmother - Part 4

[Continued from Part 3]


For a moment Belinda thought the school bell was ringing inside her head.  

Belinda groggily opened her eyes and looked out the window to her left.  Why was it still dark?


Why were there bars on the window?

Where was she?

The clanging bell ceased.  Feminine voices - hundreds of them.  Belinda watched as the women around her roused themselves and opened the lockers at the foot of their beds.

It hadn’t been a nightmare.  Belinda Krueger, 25, heiress, doctorial student, was now a lowly prisoner at Jameson Reformatory. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Belinda's American Education - Enrolled - Part 3

[Continued from Part 2]

 “If you’d like to, you can take her down to the nurse.  She needs to be given her shots, and to be examined for contraband.”

“Yes, I’d enjoy supervising that,” Professor Winters said, as Belinda’s eyes grew wide as saucers!

“You may wish to take a hairbrush along, in case this impudent piece of baggage gets lippy,” the principal counseled.

 “That’s quite alright, Frank,” Professor Winters chuckled.  “My hand will be more than sufficient to administer a memorable correction.  Besides, in Belinda’s case I definitely want to get a feel for the situation.”

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Belinda's American Education - Corner Time - Part 2

Corner time really gives a girl a chance to think, which was precisely what Belinda was doing.  

How had it come to this?  A few scant moments before she had been Belinda Krueger, PhD student and respected associate Professor at her University.  Now she was a freshly spanked miscreant with her bare bottom on display in the principal's office at the Jameson Reformatory.

Belinda was standing in the corner with her skirt pinned up, front and back, and her panties around her knees.  "If my student's could see me now…"  Belinda shuddered at the thought.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Bethany's Woodshed Gets Taken to the Woodshed

 Recent NY Times article about Bethany's Woodshed:

For those that don't have access to the NY Times:

In interviews with The New York Times, a dozen Blushing authors and seven former employees described a haphazardly run business that frequently failed to pay authors on time, and threatened them with lower royalties and defamation lawsuits if they defected.  Some writers who spoke to The Times discovered they were not being paid for books that Blushing was selling through certain online vendors or in audio format. Others were locked into contracts that gave Blushing “permanent and exclusive” rights to their books and pen names, which publishing experts called onerous and outside of industry standards.

* * *

To keep pumping out new releases, Ms. Wills padded inventory by taking older books and repacking them with new covers, sometimes under a different title and pen name, according to several former employees.

* * *

Has anyone bought from Bethany's Woodshed? Thoughts?

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Belinda's American Education - M/F - Part 1

Belinda Krueger felt every bit the crisp professional as she crossed the office to greet the principal of the Jameson Reformatory.  Although only 25, she was already a rising star at her new American University, and in her stylish worsted wool blue suit, dressed the part.

 "I'd like to thank you for taking the time to meet with me today, sir," she said, shaking the principal's hand.  "I've been having a bit of trouble with my Doctorial dissertation, and my department chair seems to think that you might be of some assistance."

 "Yes, I spoke with him this morning," the principal said, sinking back comfortably into his large leather chair.  "Have a seat, Miss Krueger."

Belinda sat down on the chair opposite the principal.  Unlike the principal's comfortable perch Belinda's chair was hard and wooden and Belinda fidgeted a bit to find a comfortable position.  

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Blistering BBQ - F/M belt, hairbrush

Sorry I haven't posted any stories in awhile. Just been too busy. But I have a lot of them brewing in my head. Just need to sit down and type them out!

This story was sent in awhile ago and I forgot about it. Enjoy! 


I'm a spanked husband. I've read some other people's accounts but I think mine is a bit different. You see. I don't want to be a spanked husband. I just am. It's a little bit hard to explain but basically I love my wife and everything is great. The only thing is once in awhile she will decide I need to be spanked and there's nothing I can do about it! 

The story I want to tell is about my worst spanking experience. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Another World - F/F, M/F

This is a story from looonngg ago. Enjoy


"Remember," he warned me as we headed down into the holler.  "Remember, it's

a different world out here.  You have to remember your place."

"Place, shmace," I muttered, but then nodded and ressured him, parroting back

what he'd told me about a million times.  "I know, I know.  I'm a woman.

 We're at the bottom of the totem pole.  You're the youngest son and I'm your

wife so I'm the bottom of the women's totem pole.  I have to do whatever you

say.  I have to do whatever your mom says.  I have to just shut up.  I know."

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Sandy and Sue Spanked at College (M/FF)

This story was sent by a guest author. Enjoy!

It was Easter break for Sandy and she spent it with her sister Sue at Sue’s college.  Now that it was early April, the springtime temperatures, greening trees and lawn, and budding flowers made the campus look beautiful.  Sandy really enjoyed “college life” – being in a dorm, eating at the dining hall, seeing all the college students, and, most of all, attending a couple of parties! 

Unfortunately, the week was coming to an end, and Sandy’s Dad was coming up to bring Sandy home.  It was the middle of Saturday afternoon when Dad arrived, and the three got a late lunch at the college center cafeteria.  The girls were having a great time recounting the activities of the week.  Well, it was fun until Sandy let it slip that she had attended a party where alcohol was flowing freely.  Now, Sue was 20 – technically still too young to drink since the minimum age is 21.  Dad would have been able to overlook that fact – after all, he trusted Sue and knew she was a very responsible young lady – it would be OK for her to drink a little at college.  But it became all too clear that Sandy had also been drinking – at age 18!!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Gaia's First Real Punishment Spanking

And another great story by guest author SteveH. This is a real story!

Just recently divorced, my good friend Michael, the manager of a strip club, suggested I try hanging out at his place and hook up with one of his “fun” girls that liked having a good time and knew how to reciprocate. Needless to say, these girls were beautiful and did know how to return favors. But the one who caught my eye was a very shy Spanish girl who called herself “Gaia”. She is one of the most exotic girls that I ever seen as well as being incredibly cute with an absolutely heart-warming impish smile. With Gaia also being freshly divorced, we decided to start off as friends with benefits in order to see what, if anything, developed from there. Being absolutely vanilla, the kinkiest that Gaia ever got was being paddle lightly (five whole swats! Lol!) before having sex once with an old boyfriend.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Pics or no pics?

In the past I have avoided adding any pics to this blog. The intention was rely on proper storytelling without the crutch of salacious photos. However, a guest artist has submitted some photos for perusing and I decided to add them to a new page.

I'd like to hear your opinions. Photos or no photos? I'd run a poll but Google has removed the polls gadget. :-(

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Taming the Brat

Another great story by guest author SteveH. This is a real story!

About three years after we married, Carly's slightly younger sister Renee came to live with us after getting thrown out of my mother-in-law's house for the umpteen time. The two girls could not have been more different. Where Carly had been studious, Renee was a natural born party girl and big time brat and compulsive liar, who was always trying to manipulate people. Especially her boyfriends.
Carly was dead set against having Renee stay with us. The two would often ague in front of me over issues that went back to their childhood days. While they were in another argument, Carly looked at me and said "You want to spank someone? Then spank her!" which only provoked Renee to say "Fine! I'd love it! I'm not a wuss like you Carly!" A boast that I would remember in the future.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Guest post - How I got into spanking - part 1

SteveH is a guest author who writes how he got into spanking. Read and enjoy:

1) Maureen: I got into spanking by witnessing my curvy neighbor Maureen get 
a bare bottomed hairbrush spanking by her father. We were both about 12 at 
the time and watching her ass and pussy buck as she squirmed under under 
each blow made me rock hard. We we're both playing "doctor" and were caught 
by her father so my sexual excitement was already peaked. I ran home right 
after and masturbated 4 or 5 times. I didn't understand the attraction at 
the time but I knew from that moment on that spanking, me spanking a 
female, was going to be a central part of my life for evermore.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Septa's Revenge - Part 3 (F/F)

Trying to finish this story for you people since GoT has already started. If you haven't read the earlier parts please do so. Here's Part I.

"Go to the Center Garden and fetch me three switches," she said as she looked straight into Queen Margaery's teary eyes. She was immediately rewarded by the look of shock and horror.

"But, but.. I'm naked!" Margaery exclaimed. "Someone will see!" She collapsed and knelt in front of the stern Septa. "Please please. Not that. I can't possibly." She was babbling as thoughts raced through her head. Someone most definitely would see and people would talk. Even the most loyal of subjects enjoyed gossip and news of the naked queen fetching switches for punishment would spread like wildfire. She was desperate.

Septa Nyla was resolute. She looked down at the begging girl. "If you will not fetch the switches, I will call for a public birching," she announced.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Septa's Revenge - Part 2 (F/F)

Hi everyone. Sorry for the long hiatus. Now that Game of Thrones is coming back for it's final season I thought I had better get this story out. It's been in my head for quite a while.

For those that haven't read part 1, start here.

Tears streaked down Queen Margaery's face as Septa Nyla continued spanking for another good ten minutes. Margaery bawled and pleaded like a common girl and the Septa was pleased. She paused and looked at Margaery's bottom. It was a bright red from below the tailbone to past thighs. The Septa was adept at spanking having both received and given them during training. She also knew that there was much more she could do and it would bring her great pleasure to do it.

Sunday, February 17, 2019


My apologies to everyone. I simply haven't had time to write. I haven't given up on spanking though. It's very much on my mind all the time. More so maybe! In any case I'm sure you've heard about Tumblr dropping all adult content. It's very sad because tumblr used to be a great place to meet people. But where one door closes, another opens. A new website has arisen and hopefully it does well. I have created a blog there myself and have been uploading video snippets. Drop on by!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Margaret Knows - MF/m

A guest author has kindly submitted this story. Comment below please.

*           *          *

Hi, my name is Kent Bedlawn and I am pacing back and forth waiting for my favorite (and currently only) girl friend, Margaret Chastine. Suddenly, the door swings open. It might have been fatal if I'd been standing behind it. Margaret walks into the room. 

"Hi, Maggie," I say. 

"Hello, Kenny" she smiles. 

My heart rate increases dramatically. Ushering her in, we sit down on the couch together. I am just thinking this would be a good time to ask how she is doing when, out of the blue, she looks me full in the eyes as if to make sure I won't lie. 

"Kenny," she questions, "Did your family ever spank you?" 

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Cynthia's First Spanking - F/ff

Here's a story submitted by Biggest Brat. 

*           *           *
 "Beep, beep, beep", went Cynthia Johnson's watch.  Cynthia quickly shut the watch off.  Although she'd carefully muffled it under her pillow, she was still afraid that her father, a true night owl might hear it.  Or her little sister, Eliza-brat (short for Elizabeth).  Or her big, ANNOYING sister, Barbra.  Her mother, equally irritating, was thankful a heavy sleeper.  Cynthia hopped quietly out of bed, landing on her toes and bending her knees so as not to make a sound.  She slipped on a pair of jeans, a white bra, and a dark blue t-shirt and stole quietly down the hall and out the front door.  Outside, she breathed a sigh of relief.  

"I did it", she muttered to herself.  Now for the fun part.  Today has been her first day back to school.  Most teachers were a bit more lenient these day since kids were still just out of Summer vacation, but Denise Roads (Ms. Roads), Cynthia's new English teacher, had called on her friend Dorothy Hess and her for "persistent chatting", even though Cynthia had just been trying to learn about the new boy whom Dorothy had met at her summer camp.  She'd given both of them a 1-hour detention and told them they were lucky they didn't get a spanking from her.  

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Septa's Revenge, Part 1

This story is years late I know but I hope you still enjoy it.

 *             *            *
Margaery's hand flew to her stinging cheek. Rubbing the sting away she stared incredulously at her Septa, who had slapped her. The nerve! She was Queen! How dare she!

Septa Nyla's stone face stared back. "Confess," she repeated. She didn't move but Margaery instinctively stepped back.

"Confess? I have done nothing!" She yearned to call out to the guards and have this haughty woman dragged away into the dungeons. But alas, the guards had long been replaced by Faith Militant. And even then, who dared stand against the Sparrows, now that the High Sparrow had King Tommen's ear. It was only by appearing pious did she have any freedom of movement.

Septa Nyla advanced and raised her hand again. Margaery stumbling back, nearly tripped on the lounge nearby. Her face flushed, this time in embarrassment. She was caught aback at the turn of events. In earlier days this would never have happened. She was Queen of Westeros! It was unthinkable.

"Confess," Septa Nyla repeated.

Friday, February 23, 2018

New stories coming soon?

Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of new stories. I have been incredibly busy and it just doesn't seem to let up. I do have a number of stories rattling around in my head and I'm desperate to get them out to you so bear with me. I'll try to find some way to post them.

In the meantime, I'd like to introduce you to a nice blog I used to read, "The Spank Shop".

It's an older blog and seems abandoned but the stories are timeless. Here's one of my favorite stories from there:

Spank shop wendy

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Aunt Claire - Part I

Another story from our guest author Erotic Beauty


Hi Claire.

Hi Nancy. How are you?

Fine, thanks. Listen…Me and Mike we’re thinking to go one week on vacation. Of course Melany
doesn’t want to come with us. Can I ask you if she can stay at your place that time?

There’s no problem for me.

Thank you, I very appreciate that.

Little sister, you don’t have to worry about that.

Actually, there’s something else I want to ask you…you know, Melany could be very difficult to
manage sometimes. When I try to ground her she raises hell and starts to act like a fool.
I’m so tired of that, I think she really needs some discipline. I even thought to spank her now and
then, but I really have fear of the consequences. I know I’ve not the right to ask you something
like that, but you could try at least to speak with her…

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Susanne's Second Spanking - F/F

Guest author Erotic Beauty has submitted a sequel to his last story about Susanne's first spanking

*                    *                     *
Hi guys. It’s me again. Susanne.

Three days after my first spanking, here we go, immediately the second one, and even the third.
Alice was right. She was perfectly right. I have to admit that a spanking never comes alone, there’s
always another one around the corner.

I’m pretty embarrassed to tell you the reason of my second spanking, but I have to. Otherwise Alice
is going to spank me without even think a little bit about that.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Susanne's first spanking

Here's a story from a new guest author "Erotic Beauty".

*                    *                      *
Hi guys, I’m Susanne, and I’m here to tell you my story.

My sister obliged me to write it to you, actually. Yes, my older sister, Alice. I’m 16, she’s 22. We live together, and now Alice has to take care of me, because our mom is out for work, and our dad divorced from her since I was 8. I didn’t see him anymore, but I don’t miss him at all. As well as I can remember he was drunk every day, he was rude and he didn’t give me a lot of attention. By that time our mom became more severe, by the way. She was alone, with two young daughters to educate and to maintain. Alice was an adolescent, angry and with a lot of trouble in her head. One evening she even accused mom for the separation, saying to her that if dad was gone it was her fault. Mom, maybe for the pain, maybe for the stress, since that day started to give her corporal punishments, every time she just acted a little bad, or cursed her for any reason. “It’s the only way you’re going to be a good girl” she used to say to her every time she spanked her, and I can assure you of that, Alice took a lot, a lot of spankings. 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Schedule - F/F

Here's a story from another author of long ago.

How many of you had other non-spanking friends find out about your spankings?

*                   *                   *

Karen was so proud of herself.  Her young cousin, Cindy, was
visiting and Karen wanted to show off a bit.  Karen bragged about her
life of freedom at college, of her late nights on campus, of the
parties, and of the "all nighters" she was involved.  Indeed, Karen even
whispered to Cindy, who of course was totally inexperienced, of her nights
with her boyfriend--all night going all the way (as she thought her young cousin
would understand it).  Sometimes, Karen did use the phrase "making love"
to impress the young girl.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Real Life Story

 Letter from a reader

Dear Eddard,
     My  husband and I have been reading your stories with enjoyment,
but  also with wonderment. I'm confused. I don't know what to think of
my  situation.  I am willing to admit that I  enjoy  reading
these your website very much. I'm not  so  willing  to
admit  some other things that reading these things  make  me
wonder   about.  I  have  always  thought  of  spanking   as
discipline  until lately when my husband found your site online.
I always felt that I deserved a spanking  when I got one. Then it
was always like  an  extra touch  of forgiveness that making up after
the spanking  was so  nice.  I  guess I was simply naive, but I  never  really
thought  about this. Here I am thirty-five and admitting  to
being  such an innocent. Instead of trying to figure it  all
out, I'm going to tell you my story.