Thursday, January 25, 2024

Sorority Discipline Delegated


Author's note: This is another of my "Tuttle" stories set in a Southern US town during the 1950s.  Like most of these stories, the discipline is not nearly as severe as my judicial stories.  It's more a bit of "light fluff" and a relatively easy read.

The challenge when writing a sorority story is to differ from the 1000s of stories out there. Indeed, this is NOT the typical jealous, big sister paddling her pretty pledge's behind at every opportunity. In fact, I don't recall ever reading a "sorority story" quite like mine.

Sorority Discipline Delegated

On Friday around 8 pm, Ted arrived at Jean's sorority to pick her up for their evening out together.  When Ted saw the big smile on her face, he figured this would be a lot more fun than last week.


Last week, not only was there no smile, but tear tracks were clearly evident and instead of a smile, a big scowl was present. When he asked the distressed Jean, what happened?  She replied, “I got paddled tonight, but good... and I am sooo sore.  Ted, can we forget about going out and instead, head to your place.  I mean, you do have ice cubes in the fridge... right?”

Naturally, Ted couldn't insist on going to see that new jazz trio when his girlfriend couldn't even sit down. So, to his place they went. On the drive over (Ted attended a nearby engineering school while Jean went to the local Tuttle state teacher's college) Ted asked Jean who paddled her and why she got it so hard.

Jean explained, “Well, you know I'm pledging Gamma Omicron Gamma and every Friday after dinner we have a pledge meeting.  At these meetings we are tested upon our knowledge of the sorority and sorority members. For every incorrect answer we earn demerits.  These demerits plus any we earned during the week, due to poor work or failure to follow rules, must be 'paid off'.  Unfortunately, 'paying off' means paddle swats.  Then the number of swats you get depends upon the number of demerits you earned.  On top of that, the level of 'protection' you are allowed also depends upon the number of demerits.” 

“Tonight was our third pledge meeting. At the first meeting I got three swats over my skirt and while it stung, it wasn't so bad.  I mean, I didn't even tell you I got swats.  Last week I got five swats, but this time I had to raise my skirt and got them on my slip.  Now, that hurt a lot more, but I still didn't tell you.  After all, I had taken much worse paddlings in high school so I just 'sucked it up'.  I mean, I truly wanted us to have a good time together.  Tonight's punishment, however, was a really, really bad one!  Earlier in the week, I broke one of the sorority's rules and then failed to study for tonight's test.  So.... to 'pay off' my demerits I was sentenced to ten swats over my panties. Let me tell you... this hurt like holy hell!  You know how thin my panties are.... well... maybe you don't know... anyhow, it was just like getting those swats on my bare behind.  MAN, I am on FIRE!  Let's get to your place where we can make an ice pack.  HURRY!”

Jean got her ice pack and it was applied to her pantied bottom.  While they had been dating for about 4 weeks, it was unusual for couples to go 'all the way' after this short time.  (This story took place during the mid 50s and folks were just far more conservative back then.  They weren't angels, however, and manual stimulation along with intense necking brought satisfaction to both parties.)


After last week's experience, judging strictly from the look on Jean's face, Ted figured Jean got either a very minor paddling or no paddling at all.  After a quick kiss, Ted inquired, “Well, Jean, you're certainly in a far better mood tonight than last week.  How about we head over and listen to that new jazz trio for a few hours?  I hear food there is also pretty good.”

Jean still smiling answered, “Well, I feel wonderful right now, but it won't last.  You see part of my punishment tonight is an early curfew.  I have to be back at the house by 10:00 pm and....”

Before she could finish, Ted interrupted, “10:00 pm! Well, I guess that's OK!  We'll only have an hour and a half to listen to some fine music.  So, let's GOOOO!  Time's a-wasting!”

An impatient Jean, chimed in, “Nooo, Teddy, you didn't let me finish.  We have to go to your place.  Ya see, when I return to the sorority you have to... no, no, I mean I must be able to show...  LOOK when I get back, I better have a bright red bottom.”

“WHAT!!?? Jean, what are you talking about?” a now totally confused Ted exclaimed.

“Well... Well, I sort of volunteered you, Teddy, to administer the spanking I earned at pledge meeting that just ended.”

“ME!!!  ME!!! Why did you get me involved in this?” objected Ted.

“Now... now, Teddy, don't get upset.  Ya see it's traditional in our house to delegate swats to boyfriends.  Everything we do in the sorority helps us become good obedient girlfriends.  Get it?  Gamma Omicron Gamma stands for Good Obedient Girlfriends! So when we are due a good spanking, it's only natural to expect our boyfriends to help out.”

“Tonight all ten pledges earned swats and three of us requested delegation. In my case, I was sentenced to fifteen swats on the bare bottom!  Can you imagine fifteen hard paddle swats on my bare hind end?? The agony of the swats isn't the only punishment. I'd have to bend over, rise my skirt and slip, and then lower my panties in front of the entire chapter!  Now, how humiliating is that!?  Nooo... No, I'd much rather my guy took care of me... IN PRIVATE!”

Ted could not believe what he was hearing and finally said, “Jean, I don't think this is such a good idea... “

Now it was Jean's turn to interrupt, “WHAT??!!  Ted, you aren't going to help me?  If you don't return me to the house with a well spanked bottom, I'll get those fifteen whacks bare in front of the entire house PLUS an additional five swats for the delegation failure. I took a chance on you, Teddy.  Please, please, you can't let me down!”

Ted saw the tears that were starting to form in Jean's eyes and realized he had no choice.  In a soft voice he replied, “Of course, Jean, I'll do whatever I can.  We'll head over to my place. I only wish you had prepared me so it wouldn't be such a shock.”

The smile returned to Jean and she explained, “Well, I almost did last week when you applied that ice pack to my sore backside, but I chickened out. Now for the moment of truth, do you have any idea how to do this?  I mean, Teddy, have you ever spanked anyone before?”

A more serious Ted answered, “Actually, I have some experience.  On numerous occasions, I spanked all three of my sisters... at my mother's insistence.  My sisters actually preferred getting spanked by me than getting it from Dad. Nevertheless, no spanking ever ended without plenty of tears and very red hind cheeks.  Mom would always inspect to make certain I delivered adequate punishment and very rarely, was a sister sent back to me for more.” 

“WOW! I had no idea I was dating such an expert! This is going to be much easier than I thought,” observed Jean.  “Let me explain how the 'delegation' worksYou must return me to the house before 11:00pm with a bottom as red and blistered as if you had given me fifteen hard swats on my bare bottom with my sorority paddle.  The PPC, that's the Pledge Punishment Committee, will inspect me upon arrival and as long as two of the three members decide you did your job; all my demerits will all be erased. If two or more decide you went too easy, that spells disaster! I get the original fifteen plus five additional whacks bare in front of the assembled house. So, Ted... I'm counting on you to do a good job!”

“You are also in for a little reward, Teddy... namely a well-deserved BJ!  At every pledge meeting, they make us practice swallowing raw egg whites.”

“Really??” queried Ted, “and how do you keep from gagging them up?”

“At first everyone gags, but failure to swallow earns you a paddle swat on the panties.  You are then instructed to return to the end of the line to try again. On your next attempt if you fail again, you get two swats on the panties and once again ordered to the back of the line only this time, you have to remove your panties. Ted, I think you can see where this is going.  The line consists only of pledges who fail to swallow and once your panties are gone, you get those hard swats on the bare.  Teddy, you'd be amazed how effective this is. I mean, when your hind end is raging on fire and you are threatened with additional paddle swats, you'd swallow a whole bucket of horse cum before you'd offer your bare bottom up again to be paddled.  So the moral is... do a good job, Teddy, and I promise... you will be well rewarded.”

“Ahem, well, that certainly is an interesting development!” confessed Ted.  At this point Ted parked his car and they both headed to his apartment above the hardware store (most folks considered his apartment to be awful due to the noise coming from below, but Ted had no neighbors and after 8 pm the noise from the store ended).  As they walked Ted asked, “So in the interests of getting you approved by the... Pledge Committee? ... You have to be back by eleven or is it ten?”

“Ah, yes, another 'twist'.  Technically, we have to be back in the house by 11:00 pm.  Everyone who chooses 'delegation', however, prefers to be back by 10, because starting at 10 the PPC will perform inspections.  If you pass, then it's off to the showers and into pjs to watch the show.  If you fail, then it's still off to COLD showers.  I mean, you got spanked by your boyfriend, but just NOT hard enough.   So, you want to do everything possible to cool off your backside and prepare for the upcoming paddling.”

“Speaking of 'not hard enough', last week Alice failed the inspection even though her boyfriend just roasted her hind end.  I mean, her bottom was glowing bright red!  Problem was her thighs were milk white!  At Gamma Omicron Gamma it's not considered a 'good spanking' if our thighs aren't glowing red.  We all just hate that!”

Ted agreed, “Yeah, I can see where that would be bad when you are on the swimming rotation of PE.”

“Swimming isn't really any different than any gym class. After all, everyone sees you've that been spanked in the showers. Actually, this time of year is the pledging season so there are plenty of red bottoms in the showers.  Gamma is not much different from the other sororities. We might be a tad stricter, but we are far, far fairer. In the other sororities, they elect one person to be Pledge mistress. She gets to decide who gets spanked and how hard. The problem with that is personality differences and petty jealousies can cloud those decisions. At Gamma we have a three-member committee, so no one person is that powerful.”

“Actually, that sounds quite reasonable. The bigger issue is why join any sorority only to get paddled?” questioned Ted.  

“Sweetie, I would never have met you if I wasn't pledging Gamma. Everyone knows Gammas make good girlfriends, so we get invited to all the mixers at neighboring schools. Remember my school is 95% female students. So, if you want to meet nice guys, you join a sorority with a good reputation.”

“Yeah, I guess that make sense. And a good reputation, of course, comes when members are disciplined.  So, Jean, how does this discipline delegation actually work?”

“Well, it's fairly straightforward.  Here this form, which you must sign at the bottom,” said Jean as she handed the form to Ted.

Gamma Omicron Gamma
Discipline Delegation Form
(pledge version)

I, the undersigned, agree that my Gamma:    Jean   __   has earned the discipline 
recommended below and agree to administer a totally equivalent discipline to her:

                _X_    bare bottom
                ___     panty clad bottom 

The specific infractions she committed are:

1.  Caught smoking in dorm                                         

2.  Scored 45% on pledge quiz                                    




PPC Discipline Award: 15 swats of sorority paddle 

Delegation Failure:  5 Swats - bare bottom              

SIH is currently in my possession where it will be used to dispense sorority as well as couple earned discipline.  

Yes  No   (circle one)

Ted looked over the form and observed, “Pledge version?”

“Yes, there is a different version for Actives, but we don't get to see it until after our initiation. From what little I've heard, Actives have to settle accounts every Sunday evening and most often, Actives choose delegation.”

“Most often?  You mean sometimes they actually choose to get paddled at the sorority?”

“Yes, especially when the punishment is minor or when she doesn't want her boyfriend to see the infraction.  Take Sue for instance.  Tonight, Sue only earned four swats over her slip, so she paid them off before she went out on her date.  Joan also had a 'light sentence' of six swats on her panties and she did the same as Sue. The rest of us earned far worse punishments and after watching a few of those awful paddlings, three of us opted for delegation.”

“So only three of the eight remaining pledges choose this...  this delegation?”

“Well, Teddy, not everyone is lucky enough to have a trusted boyfriend.  And some were shy and didn't want to ask. My guess is they'll quickly get over this 'shyness' before they take another pledge paddling.  As for me, getting a hard bare bottom spanking over your boyfriend's knees is one thing.  Having to undress in front of the ENTIRE chapter and then bawling, begging and screaming your head off as paddle slams into your bare backside is the absolute height of humiliation.  I mean nothing could be more embarrassing.  When I saw Chloe take ten swats on the bare...  well let's just say... it became an EASY decision.”

“AH, now I think I understand. You expect I'll be much easier on you.  Don't you, Jean?” questioned Ted.

“Nooo!  NO! Not even close!  Remember I have to pass inspection tonight.  As the form states, you must dispense a 'totally equivalent' punishment. If you fail to do so, I'll get an even worse one at the house.  Which leads to the question of whether you have any implements to dispense my spanking?”

“Ummm, I don't think so.  Now, don't tell me we have to drive all the way back to get your pledge paddle!”

“No, No,... Fortunately, that won't be necessary,” explained Jean as she reached for her enormous handbag.  She opened the bag and extracted a large white hairbrush.  “This should do the job,” said Jean as she handed the hairbrush to Ted.

Immediately Ted realized this was an impressive hairbrush.  Not only was it heavy and of hard wood, but on the smooth back in embossed raised letters were the Greek symbols gamma omicron gamma.  “Jean, do you realize that if I spank you with this hairbrush, your sorority's name will be tattooed on your backside?”

“Well, I guess that's the whole idea.  It's called an SIH - Sorority Issued Hairbrush.  If you look at the very last line on the form, you are to circle 'YES' and I will no longer have to carry this damn thing around.  I've been lugging this thing around in that enormous bag since the night I became a pledge, but as of tonight... no more!  You simply circle 'YES' and keep it here where unfortunately... I am quite certain it will be put to frequent use.”

“Sorority Issued Hairbrush so that's what SIH means! I would have never guessed.  OK, we can keep it here.  Now, before we get any further, let's go over your infractions.  The first one 'smoking in the dorm' must be a mistake.  Jean... you don't smoke.”

“Well, ummm, I actually did get caught and due to some stupid fire rules, they got their panties all in a twist.  Ummm, we weren't actually smoking cigarettes.  Chloe got one of those 'funny cigarettes' from her cousin and we were sort of... passing it around...”

A now angry Ted growled, “Well that's just great! I can see now that we are going to put this hairbrush to good use! So, for smoking and failing your test, your sentence is fifteen bare bottom swats. Humm, that seems a bit mild to me.” 

“Oh Boy!  Teddy, I don't like the way you said that. Now remember our goal here is to pass that inspection and NOTHING else!”

“Well, that might be your goal, but I don't want to hear any more about smoking and 'funny cigarettes'.  Is that clear, Jean? Do you understand?”

“Oh dear!  I'm beginning to understand our sorority's insidious goal here and I'm not liking it one little bit. That reminds me, before we start when you spanked your sisters, what were they wearing?”

This question totally surprised Ted and he stammered, “Well, sometimes dresses, skirts, occasionally jeans, shorts, and a few times swimming suits. Why...”

“Duhhh, did you really think I care what clothes your sisters were wearing.  I want to know what covered their bottoms.”

“Oh, well most times... Nothing!  Mom pretty much required bare bottoms so she could decide when they'd had enough.”

“What??? Your mom watched you spank them??”

“Yeah, most of the time.  Only time she didn't supervise was when I was on babysitting duty. Jean, why do you ask?  Do you think I should ask my mom to drive over tonight to supervise? You know, to make sure I do it right?”

“SAYYY, now that is a really good idea!  Perhaps you should ask her to stay and supervise your REWARD as well? You know, to make sure I do it right?”

“Touché!!  Good point!  Well, time is getting short so I had better sign the form and we should probably get started.”

“Yeah, I guess.  At least now I know this won't be your first bare bottom spanking. Teddy, I guess you really are an expert, so... how do you want me?” asked Jean.

“I'll get a kitchen chair and in the meantime, why don't you take off your skirt, slip and shoes.”

“OK, but why my shoes?”

“My sisters taught me that hard spanks can cause feet to fly, and shoe covered feet...  really hurt! Now I suppose you want to know what kind of shoes my sisters wore?”

“Ha Ha ... very funny,” groaned Jean as she unzipped her skirt. She quickly removed her skirt and then stepped out of her shoes.  More slowly she removed her half-slip and stood before Ted in full cut, yellow nylon panties and yellow cotton socks.

“My, my!  Very stylish!  Matching panties and socks!”

“Will you STOP IT!  I'm about to get my rear end blistered and you're cracking jokes.  Teddy, you'd better start taking this seriously, or I'm going to get the 'mother of all paddlings' back at the House.”

“Don't worry, Jean.  Both your house and I wish to end your experimentation with 'funny cigarettes'. Now, get over my knees.”

Jean carefully climbed over Ted's knees and once there, she raised herself up in a clear signal to Ted. 

Ted did not hesitate, as this was exactly the same procedure he employed with his misbehaving sisters. He grabbed the waist band of her panties and pulled them over her jutting cheeks and down to her knees.  Once her panties settled at her knees, Jean lowered herself in an attempt to get as comfortable as she could.  She grabbed the rung between the legs of the chair and held on tight while her toes just barely touched the floor on the other side. Jean knew this position well; not from the sorority, but from the countless times she spent over her father's lap.

Ted was just about to raise the hairbrush when Jean suggested, “Why don't you take them all the way off? I know I won't want to wear them anymore tonight.”

“All right,” mumbled Ted as he removed Jean's yellow panties entirely. Ted then raised the hairbrush high and slammed it hard into Jean's far cheek.  A tremendous CCRRACKKKK exploded against the flesh, searing it, not stinging like a light strap, but penetrating deep - deep into the fatty tissue and burning it. On this very first swat, Jean answered with a loud, “YEEOOWWWOOOO!”

While it might seem overly severe to start a spanking with such hard swats, Ted learned that it was actually easier on the girl. Both Ted's mom and Jean's sorority were looking for the same thing. They wanted to know the lesson was well learned and that was signified by welts, bruises and bright red hind cheeks. To achieve that high contrast between spanked and non-spanked areas, the key was to begin with hard spanks on a pale bottom and to continue swatting non-stop at a brisk pace. This way, maximum color and bruises could be achieved with far fewer swats.

These hard, fast swats had Jean crying and begging.  No, way could she keep her legs from wildly kicking, but she did fight hard to keep her tight grip on that rung.  While the hairbrush swats hurt something awful, she'd had worse in Principal Harding's office.  In her senior year, he gave her ten hard swats with the school paddle while lying over his desk.  Her skirt and slip were piled high on her back, Principal Harding's secretary held her hands firmly and her panties were pooled at her ankles. Jean answered each and every whack with a loud scream and buckets of tears.

Tonight, Ted did his job and delivered a hard spanking or at least, he was very comfortable with the results.  Jean was in tears and while she felt very well spanked, headed to the hall mirror to double check. She quickly returned and climbed back over Ted's knees as she announced, “Good job on my bottom, Ted, but I need three or four swats on each thigh. Don't hold back, Ted, as the sorority demands well spanked upper thighs.”

As requested, Ted delivered the additional swats which had Jean bawling her head off. Once she calmed down, she turned to Ted and suggested they head into his bedroom for his well-earned reward. Although he was ready and most anxious, Ted countered, “Jean, a better idea is to get you back and inspected before the red starts to fade. Besides we don't know yet whether I'm actually entitled to a reward.”

The main thing Jean desired right now was an ice pack, but she quickly agreed that Ted was right, and they headed back to her sorority.

As she kissed Ted goodbye, she promised to call within an hour to let him know the final outcome.

Upon returning home, Ted took a long cold shower as he desperately needed to cool off.   Shortly after, the phone rang and Jean greeted, “Hi, Slugger! How are you doing?”

“I'm just fine. Just got out of a cold shower. But more importantly, how are you doing?”

“Me? Well, I am as sore as can be. My hind end is on fire. Can you hear the ice sizzling?”

“Uh oh, that doesn't sound too good. So, Jean, you didn't pass inspection?”

“Actually, I passed with flying colors! All three of us passed and now we are nursing each other. I'm sore because of YOU, but... you did your job, Ted. And tomorrow you are due your reward, so, Ted, you might want to call your mom so she can... 'supervise'?”

“Very funny. Well, I just can't wait. That cold shower helped, but not enough. Look, I have to go to the lab in the morning. How about I pick you up around noon?”

“Sound's perfect! See you then, Slugger!” For the balance of the evening Jean commiserated with her fellow, well-spanked pledges on how hard their boyfriends spank.  That is, each pledge trying to convince the others that her boyfriend spanked the hardest and further, that she had the welts and bruises on her backside to prove it.

Actually, this was a consistent theme not just among pledges, but among ALL members of Gamma. Possibly this was the reason for the high success rate at Gamma. It was well known that it was simply impossible to lure a boy from a Gamma once she had him in her snare. Further, Gammas' boyfriends tended to remain loyal throughout the entire four years. In the three months after graduation, Gammas attended numerous sisters' weddings. Then seven months later...  numerous baby showers.

So, had Gamma Omicron Gamma discovered some secret formula that the other sororities missed?

Not really! As long as man roamed the earth, “good obedient girls” made good wives and... mothers! While the other sororities focused on parties, Gamma, due to its strict nature and delegation system, had stumbled upon a winning combination... as old as mankind.


Tired can be reached at:



  1. Loved reading this story! Nothing like a college age girl getting a well-deserved spanking. XOXO

  2. You have a gift for writing.

  3. Just wanted you to know, that we appreciate any and all comments on our stories. Indeed, comments give us some guidance on the kinds of stories our readers want to see. I plan to post more of my "Tuttle" stories even though they are not particularly strict or severe. They are "light" reading and as profken mentioned, a bit of fun.

