Saturday, April 20, 2024


Today we are pleased to post a story submitted by one of our frequent commenters, bripuk.  I really like what he's done here.  He took the story from Nell's Farewell and did his own version of the story.  It's a far, far easier read than my translation, yet I believe he's captured the essence of the formal punishments dispensed by the House of Corrections.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Nell in Bridewell - Part 9 - Forward


In this post, we will provide both the original German and my translation into English of the Forward to Lenchen im Zuchthause written by the book's author, Wilhelm Reinhard.  Now, the Forward was the very first thing one would encounter in this book published in 1840. Curiously enough, this Forward was NOT included in any subsequent German reprints nor in any of the English translations. (Images above are complements of Sir Henry and as always, simply click on the image to see it full sized.)

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Formal Welcome to a House of Correction

You'll probably recognize the image above, as I've used it as a "tease" in another post.  There is, however, a slight difference since I modified the original drawing.  Challenge for you is to see whether you can find my modification. (To make this task easier, you should click on the drawing to view full size.)
Anyway, in this post I plan to talk about Formal Welcomes to a House of Correction.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Just Another Day in the Sewing Room

Coming up with an image to depict what my story is about always makes for a challenge, except in this case!  For this story the image came first, as I was challenged to write a story explaining what's going on in the drawing.  My story then represents my interpretation of the events taking place.

Obviously, there is an unlimited number of interpretations of the actions depicted in this drawing.  What we'd like to hear is YOUR interpretation.  You can post as a comment or email me at: