Sunday, May 12, 2024

Just Another Day at Tuttle High

Author's note: This is another of my "Tuttle" stories set in a fictious Southern US town during the 1950s.  Like most of these stories, the discipline is not nearly as severe as my judicial stories. Plot is straightforward making for a very easy read for our viewers who are not native English speakers.

(A school secretary suggests that she be paddled, just as she had been in school, instead of losing her job.)

Just Another Day at Tuttle High

by Tiredny

Jo-Ann was walking briskly through the rain to get to her desk “on time”.  Actually, she was expected to arrive an hour earlier this morning as her boss had requested late in the day yesterday.  Her boss was Assistant Principal Harding and his main responsibility was managing the finances for Tuttle High School.  It was a very important responsibility, which Ken Harding took most seriously.

Jo-Ann (short for Josephine Annabelle) was thrilled to get this job, which she held now for almost six months.  Prior to this she was unemployed for more than seven months, while living at home and under the supervision of mom and dad. Naturally in Tuttle, children living at home at any age could expect firm discipline from their parents and Jo-Ann... was no exception! 

After she left Tuttle High, she enrolled in a two-year secretarial college paid for by her father.  In this school, she applied herself about diligently as she had while in high school, but with her father paying, he considered her usual lackadaisical attitude totally unacceptable.  He further demonstrated his conviction to Jo-Ann with several over the knee hairbrush spankings.  It didn't take long for Jo-Ann to get the message; especially with her bare bottom being slammed into by that damn hairbrush.

A further irritant to her father was that after paying for her tuition, she could not find a job. They had several conversations about her “not trying hard enough” and often those discussions end with Jo-Ann's skirts up and panties down.

Much as she hated Tuttle High due to the numerous spankings and paddlings she had received there, she walked in one day seeking employment.  Surprisingly, her old nemesis, Mrs. Blum, Principal Warner's secretary, was delighted to see her.  Then when Mrs. Blum found out she was looking for work AND had completed her course, she immediately set the wheels in motion for Jo-Ann to be hired.

An opening had just come about when AP Harding's secretary left permanently to start a family.  Jo-Ann knew who Principal Harding was as he often substituted for Principal Warner when it came to dispensing discipline.  Fortunately, she had never been paddled by him, but several of her friends had and they maintained that he paddled VERY, VERY HARD!

Nevertheless, this was a job!  She could get an apartment near school and walk to work. Most important of all, there would be no more hard spankings from daddy! Delighted she shared the news with her parents, who were also... delighted.

With a solid background in secretarial skills, Jo-Ann came up to speed almost immediately.  She knew nothing about finance, but was a fast learner.  She liked her job, she got along just fine with the other staff, and she was in awe 0f her boss, who she considered a financial genius.

She didn't even mind the occasional paddling AP Harding administered to delinquent students in his office.  Mrs. Blum was always called to witness these events, just as she had when Jo-Ann got the paddle from Principal Warner. While she never saw him dispensing discipline, she could hear it clearly. There was no question that the students got their bare bottoms paddled in his office and this was evident by the sound.  Having been paddled and spanked on her bare bottom on numerous occasions, Jo-Ann was an expert on the sounds of a spanking. There were other signs as well. For instance, often girls will come out of his office crying loudly with their skirts held up in back while their hands were inside their panties rubbing furiously.

Usually, but not always, the students AP Harding handled were female.  For whatever reason, the other AP preferred NOT to deal with females.  (That AP claimed paddling girls was a total waste of time, because they never learned! Statistically speaking, he had a point, as far more girls were paddle than boys.) 


While she liked to walk to work (even if she didn't, a car was way beyond her means), the one downside was walking in the rain. It was a steady, hard rain and she was getting soaked, but this was the least of her problems. She feared she was arriving an hour early only to be fired and ordered to clean out her desk.

This would be the absolute end of her life! How would she ever tell her friends and then what about mom and dad as she'd be forced to return home to live? And ARNOLD! her hoped to be boyfriend. What would she tell him?

Her dad would take her out to the woodshed for certain and she just hated when he used that dreadful prison strap. Nothing was worse than that!  Her mother was no stranger to it either.  Neither could sit comfortably for a week after a session in the woodshed, but then again... this is Tuttle!  Daughters and wives either obey or they get their bare behinds strapped in this town. Even the preacher's wife, Mary Ellen, is not exempt. Fortunately, trips to the woodshed occur only with serious misbehavior.  Most often, punishment is dispensed with a large, heavy wooden hairbrush.  Pastor Carl gave these hairbrushes to each head of household in Tuttle in order to maintain discipline in the home.  Without exception, these instruments work exceptionally well.

Now, the closer she got, the more nervous she became. 'Oh how could I screw-up so badly?' she wondered. 'I love this job and the people are so nice. How could I have let everyone down?' were thoughts swirling in her mind as she pressed on through the rain to the front entrance.

When she finally got to her desk, AP Harding was already in his office.  She felt this would be a good time to apologize again, but before she could say anything, he instructed, “Grab your invoice posting book and about 45 minutes worth of invoices to post. Then follow me to the Detention Room.”

Jo-Ann, of course, did as he requested, but wondered why they were going to the detention room.  Would she be facing a committee there that would decide her fate? She had no idea what was going on.  Soon they arrived at the Detention Room and waiting there were seven students - three sophomore boys - one sophomore girl - three junior girls.

AP Harding turned to her and explained, “It seems there is no one to monitor detention today, so unfortunately, it's you and me. You can use the time to catch up on your invoice posting and I'll be working on my analysis of recent invoices.” With that he opened the door and invited everyone in. 

A chill went down Jo-Ann's spine as she had many memories of sitting in this room while in detention. Of course, 'sitting' wasn't the only thing that happened and by design, sitting in detention was never comfortable. She wondered if, years later, things had changed much since she attended detention.

Assistant Principal Harding gave a list to Jo-Ann and asked her to call out the names on the list.  He then instructed, “When your name is called, boys will head to the black board on your left and girls to board on your right.  Stand nose to the board, hands on your head.”

Names were called, everyone was present, and all lined up as instructed. AP Harding went to the proctor's desk, opened the bottom drawer and pulled out the dreaded Tuttle High School paddle.  He also brought seven Bibles from a huge stack and placed on an empty student desk (there were around 30 student desks in the Detention Room).  “OK, everyone turn around and face the front. We need to move quickly, as I'm sure you are as anxious as us to get out of here. We begin, as always, with your formal 'Welcome to Detention'.” 

A loud groan was heard coming from all of the students. 'Yep, exactly the same as when I was in detention,' thought Jo-Ann. 

“Quiet!  This is standard practice and according to our records, you've all been here before. After your 'Welcome' grab a Bible, take any desk and begin copying the passage listed on the blackboard. Failure to complete this assignment with neat, legible handwriting means 10 additional swats for the boys and eight for the girls.  Naturally, those are 'enhanced' swats,” explained AP Harding. 

'Yep! No, change at all!' reflected Jo-Ann. “Enhanced” simply means you lose a layer of clothing and that is AWFUL!'

He then called the first boy up, who leaned over the proctor's desk presenting his trousered rear to the paddle. He got his three welcome swats and yelled out, “OOWWW!!” after each.  He stood up, rubbed his sore backside, grabbed a Bible and sat down slowly at the desk he selected. This was repeated two more times for the other two boys with the same results.

First girl called, Angelina Benedict, was a rather tall and well-formed junior.  She approached the desk, leaned over and then lifted her pleated, wool skirt high on her back leaving her rayon, lemon yellow panties on display. AP Harding delivered two hard swats each resulting in a loud shriek. (Somehow school authorities felt this was fair - two versus three swats, but directly on panty clad backsides. Not one of the female students, however, felt this was fair!  Not only did the swats hurt more, but they were forced to display panties and scantily clad bottoms to their male classmates. Often, like today, the male classmates were younger, which made it unbearably humiliating. Further irritating the female students, was the requirement that they must lift their own skirts.  Failure to do so and the proctor would do the lifting, but then the female student would get the same three swats as the male students.)

With tears in her eyes, Gina stood up, rubber her bottom under her skirt, grabbed a Bible, and sat down oh sooo slowly at her desk.  Next two were also juniors and got their two swats in a similar fashion. Only difference was light blue and white panties were put on display.

Last to be called was the sophomore and she did as the others, lifting her skirt high on her back and presenting her pale green panties for her “Welcome”. On the first swat, she screeched loudly, stood up and grabbed her bottom while hopping around.

Nancy, you had better get back in position, or you're getting a penalty swat!” yelled Harding.

Nancy, fearing the worst, immediately got back in position offering her panty clad bottom up for the paddle.  CCRRACKK!!!

“YOOWWWWWIIEEE!!” screamed Nancy as she grabbed her sore hind cheeks with both hands and began jumping up and down.

A yelled, “NANCY!” from AP Harding was all it took for Nancy to garb a Bible, take a seat and begin copying.

For the next 40 minutes the room was absolutely quiet.  Much as she hated detention, Jo-Ann had to admit the process was effective. For after those two hard swats on your pantied bottom, you focused 100% of your attention on your assigned task. No, way in the world, would you risk an additional eight hard swats and... on the bare!

Eventually, one by one the students turned in their work and were excused; all, but one that is.  Gina Benedict was still copying when AP Harding called her up to look over her work. Before AP Harding could say anything, Gina pleaded, “Principal Harding, I don't understand.  I'm only halfway through! There is no way, I could copy this passage in45 minutes!”

“Ok let me see your work.” Upon examining he observed, “Yes, you are correct no way could you copy out this passage in 45 minutes, because... BECAUSE you are copying the WRONG passage!”

“What??” answered Gina as she looked over at the blackboard. “Oh noooooo!”

“Angelina, that's why you are here! If you paid half the attention to your teachers and schoolwork as you do to that football player, Williamson, you wouldn't be here in the first place!” With that AP Harding opened the bottom desk drawer and pulled out a large, heavy hairbrush (another of those Pastor Carl models) and added it to the school paddle already on his desk.  “You have two options, Angelina, over the desk with the paddle or over my knee with the hairbrush for eight swats.”

“Wow, those are really great options!” replied Gina sarcastically and already regretting her “smart mouth” as her father calls it. “I guess... it's the hairbrush, because that paddle hurts way too much.” Of course, she knew from painful experience both at home and in school that hairbrush hurt plenty. Notwithstanding, she had far more “experience” with the hairbrush and thus felt she had a better chance of not earning penalty swats due to bad language or moving out of position.

AP Harding pushed his chair back while Gina moved around behind the desk and climbed over his lap.  Gina then raised her wool skirt all the way up and once again displayed those tight fitting, full cut lemon yellow panties. 

“Jo-Ann, would you please do the honors and lower these to her ankles,” requested AP Harding.

“Of course, Sir!” answered his secretary as she drew Gina's panties down to her ankles. 

“Thank you. Now please remove her shoes.  Her pants should limit kicking, but flying shoes can really hurt.”

“Yes, Sir” and she untied and remove Gina's rather heavy, saddle shoes.

(This detention process at Tuttle High was well thought out. While the female students got any additional punishment on the bare, their male colleagues always went first and had left the room long before the girls were punished. Thus, for the young ladies it was no worse than being sent to one of the principals for a paddling. A “PP” or “principal paddling” was most often on the bare.)

AP Harding then push Gina forward so that her face moved down about an inch or two above the floor.  Jo-Ann knew what he was doing. He was positioning Gina so that the tender undersides of her bottom cheeks were in the direct line of fire for the hairbrush. (Undoubtedly a strategy developed from delivering countless spankings.  For the fatty part of Gina's hind cheeks could easily absorb the hard hairbrush strokes, yet she'd still end up with a bruised and sore bottom.)


 Jo-Ann felt little sympathy for Gina, for when her father was angry both she and her mom could expect 20 to 30 hard hairbrush spanks. Their bottoms would be blistered as well as seriously welted. No, Gina would know she got a spanking, but nothing she shouldn't be able to take and attend classes after.  Hopefully, “attending” and paying more attention to her teachers!

Now, of course, this was all speculation, as Jo-Ann had never been paddled or spanked by AP Harding.  She had many friends, who had, and they all claimed that his punishments were as severe as Principal Warner. Now, she well knew Principal Warner's abilities. She hand been both paddled and spanked in his office on numerous occasions. Never did she leave these events without loud crying and a face full of snot and tears. That was dreadful enough, but it always got worse. That damn DR, explaining why Jo-Ann was punished, had to be signed by her parents and that...  always guaranteed a trip to the woodshed.


 Once AP Harding had Gina in position with her shoes removed, he asked Jo-Ann to come around and hold Gina's arms in the small of her back. “We don't have time to deal with Angelina moving out of position. Just hold her down and we'll conclude this punishment quickly.” With that he raised the brush high and slammed it down squarely on her right bottom cheek.  CCRACKKK!!!

“OWWWWW!” yelled Gina.

Wasting no time, AP Harding delivered three more hard swats to the same cheek.  Gina was at this point howling.

Now, halfway AP Harding moved forward to provide better access to her left hind cheek and quickly slammed four hard swats.  CCRACKKK!!!  SSMAAACK!!  WHAACCK!!  CCRAACCK!!!!

After the last swat, Jo-Ann released Gina's wrists and Gina scrambled up.  She immediately began rubbing her bare, inflamed behind while jumping up and down with her panties tangled around her ankles, shrieking and howling the whole time. This was obviously a case where the spanking left a strong impression.

AP Harding got up and instructed Jo-Ann, “Stay with her until she calms down.  Then get Gina off to her class. Oh and tell her, since she took her punishment so well, I don't see any need to require a signature on the DR from her father.”

Five minutes later, Gina had quieted down, replaced her panties and was heading off to the girls' room to fix her face. She had a good ten minutes before she'd be late for class and used the time wisely for no way she wanted swats for being late. News that her father would not have to sign the DR lifted her spirits greatly.

With punishment over, Jo-Ann's prediction was spot on.  Gina did get a good spanking, but nothing she hadn't had before and nothing she couldn't handle.

When Jo-Ann returned to her desk, AP Harding called her into his office.  “During detention, I computed the money we lost on early pay discounts, because you neglected to post those invoices. Do you realize, you cost the school $482.50?”

“I'm so sorry, Principal Harding!  I didn't do it intentionally.  I simply forgot about those invoices,” pleaded Jo-Ann.

“Well, once Warner hears about this, your employment will most certainly be terminated.”

“Oh no!  Please isn't there some other way to punish me?  I know on occasion you paddle the student teachers, and they don't lose their positions.  Can't I be treated the same?” begged Jo-Ann.

“Well, I could ask Warner, but do you understand how the student teachers are punished?”

“Ummm, not exactly, but rumor has it they get it on their bare backsides.”

“Indeed, and you'd willing submit to such a punishment?”

“Oh, yes I would.  To keep my job, it'd be well worth it!”

“Alright, Jo-Ann.  Warner's at a conference today, but he'll phone me during lunch.  I'll brief him on our conversation, and we'll see what he says. In the meantime, you really need to post all those old invoices.”

“Yes, Sir. In three hours, I should be all caught up,” replied Jo-Ann as she scrambled back to her desk.

At lunchtime, Jo-Ann headed to the school cafeteria (it's free for staff). While in line, she heard fragments of a conversation between one of the juniors, who was in detention earlier, and a classmate:

 “...I got two swats on my panties, and I thought I would die.  Oh man, it hurt! That SOB Harding paddles really hard. Bad as that is, you get 8 more if you fail to finish your assignment and... are you ready? You get those on your BARE bottom!” 

“Geeesh!  Tell me something I don't know. I mean, I've only been sent to detention around a dozen times. Four times in detention I messed up my assignment... , but you get a choice... makes no difference!  Your rear end is smoking...”

Jo-Ann returned with mixed feelings. Clearly many girls at Tuttle High had experienced AP Harding's paddle including those student teachers, so she wouldn't be the only one. Nevertheless, she really dreaded her date with the paddle. Her only consolation was that she would keep her job, and that was worth plenty!  No, moving back home. No, getting the strap from Dad. Most importantly, she could continue to date Arnold.  

'Oh nooo!' she just remembered, 'I have a date with Arnold tonight! What am I going to do? Should I cancel and plead not feeling well?  It won't be lie, because I know I'll have a very sore behind.  But I do want to see him. Should I tell him I got spanked? He'll know that something is wrong. Oh what should....'

These thoughts just kept tossing around in her head.  To act in front of Arnold as if nothing happened is hopeless. She knew it was going to be bad. While she never saw the student teachers punished, she saw them coming out of his office.  They were always crying and wailing while briskly rubbing their terribly sore rear globes. Of course, at this point she had no idea if Principal Warner would even agree to a paddling in lieu of termination. 


 Several hours later, the school day ended, and Jo-Ann was still posting invoices.  Then three very unhappy female students arrived each with a yellow “discipline request” slip. Jo-Ann stopped posting invoices and began updating AP Harding's Punishment Ledger with the details for each student.  Now, there were three in total: two juniors and one senior. The junior was referred due to poor academic performance (3 missed homework assignments).  The two seniors were caught smoking.  Smoking was usually the worse of the two and usually got eight swats.  Missed homework usually got six.  “Usually”, because if any of these were repeat offences, Principal Harding would typically add swats.  It was Jo-Ann's job to dig out each student's punishment history and record on their yellow slips.

Fortunately (for the students), today there were no repeats.  Now, that didn't mean they hadn't been paddle by Principal Harding before.  In fact, they all had!  It just means their current infraction is not a repeat.

A few minutes passed and then Mrs. Blum showed up, right on time as usual, for she acted as witness to the punishments dispensed in the Principals' office.  Harding came out of his office, and requested that Mrs. Blum escort the students in.  He then asked for the Punishment Ledger and the yellow DR slips.  To Jo-Ann's immense relief, he then informed her that Principal Warner had approved the paddling in place of termination and that once he finished with these three students, he would deal with her. He then queried, “Rules are different for staff, Jo-Ann, but you are still entitled to a witness. Would you like me to ask Mrs. Blum to stay behind?”

Jo-Ann was now faced with a tough decision. How humiliating it would be to be paddled in front of Mrs. Blum like a misbehaving high school student and ON THE BARE.  Then again Mrs. Blum had witnessed her spankings and paddlings on numerous occasions and just about all of these were bare bottom affairs.  Further, Mrs. Blum could be quite helpful.  She was always kind and considerate during punishments. If you asked, she would hold you down. This could be a “big deal” for getting out of position meant penalty swats! Even when she didn't hold you, she'd utter words of encouragement like: “You are doing so good.”  “Only two more.”   “I know you can do it.”  “Now, do your homework, Jo-Ann, and you won't be spanked again.”

In spite of this, the humiliation factor reigned paramount.  Only remaining issue was how many swats she was due.  More than 15 and she'd definitely want to be held in place. She asked PA Harding and when he answered a dozen, she declined the offer of Mrs. Blum.

As the three students headed into his office, Jo-Ann felt badly for them as all three were in for a “PP” or “Principal Paddling”. Most often, these were on the bare bottom as opposed to “TS's” or “Teacher Spanking” which were usually applied on panties. Now, both hurt plenty; it's just that the TS's were far less humiliating.

Each principal had their own process for handling “PP's”.  Most called the students in, one at a time.  Principal Harding felt that it was more efficient to deal with delinquent students en masse.  First off, he could complete the task rather quickly and next, the students benefited greatly from watching their fellow delinquents getting paddled.

Notwithstanding his thick office door, Jo-Ann could hear a small “cccracck”  followed by a slightly louder “ooouccchhh”.  As the punishment went on, there was little difference in the first sound, but the responses grew significantly in volume. Last response was always howled: “YYYYOOOOOWWWWWWWW!”

Soon, after the door opened and out walked the junior.  She was crying and with her right hand under her skirt caressing her bare bottom.  Her left hand was mopping up the tears with it looked like her panties!? When she saw this Jo-Ann said, “No, wait!  I have tissues here.  No, need to get your pants all wet.”

“It's OK; I don't plan on putting them back on.  My hind end is way too sore, and I'm not done.  When my father signs the DR, he'll take me to the woodshed for a session with the strap. You know one of those real heavy, black straps.”

“Yes, I know it well.  We have one. My mother says it's identical to the strap used to maintain discipline and order in the women's prison. It hurts like a son-of-a-bitch!”

“Well, I'm sure not looking forward to it, but it won't be my first time.  Thanks for the tissues; I better be going.  Mom will get out the hairbrush if I'm late getting home.”  With that, the junior headed off walking as fast as she could without being accused of running.

Jo-Ann heard another “cccracck” and figured the seniors were now getting their paddlings.  It was then she realized that the sound she heard could only be made when a paddle was applied to a bare backside. She then thought, 'Wonder how I never noticed that before. Tough luck for those seniors, but they deserve it!  How dumb can you be to get caught smoking in school? She then though about those poor student teachers and how humiliating it was for them. I mean, to be 3 or 4 years out of school and to have to lift your skirt and lower your panties for the paddle?? Must be horrible! These thoughts brought her back to her own impending session with the paddle.  12 swats is bad, but it's nowhere near as bad as 2o swats with Dad's strap. I should be able to take this and not embarrass myself in front of Principal Harding.  I hope...I hope...I hope!'

After a bunch of “ccrrack's” and howls, the door opened and two crying seniors came out, both feverishly rubbing their sore bottoms. Jo-Ann quickly processed their DR's and as soon as they left, she walked in AP Harding's office.  Upon entering she stepped out of her moderate heels and addressed her boss, “I believe we have some business to take care of?”

“Yes, indeed.  Please come in and let's get this over with, as I doubt either of us wants to drag out this unpleasant business.”

'Well, this is it,' she thought, 'I'm really going to get a paddling and I know this will hurt something awful.' 

Removal of her shoes was strictly a reflex reaction. Jo-Ann was no stranger to paddlings at Tuttle High and well-remembered the “proper procedure”.  Even though she'd had over a dozen PP's, she suddenly remembered, 'Wait a minute!  What am I doing? I really don't know what the procedure is today.  My last PP was over 3 years ago!'  With this in mind, she bent down while asking, “Should I remove completely or just take down my underpants?”

“Well, for students I usually have them remove and that's why you'll often see them walking out, panties in hand. For staff, I think it's better to just lower to your ankles.  Now, I see you are wearing nylon stockings.  You have a belt holding them up?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Well, that has to go.  All of those buckles can cause problems.  It's non-issue for students as nylons are prohibited.”

Jo-Ann reached up under her skirt to undo multiple snaps and soon the belt dropped to the floor. Next, she slowly lowered her panties to her ankles, and stood up straight.

AP Harding observed, “Your skirt is rather tight. Will that be a problem?”

“No, Sir!  I can easily lift it up out of the way, but if you want, I could take it right off,” replied Jo-Ann hoping that she could keep her skirt in place and thus, maintain at least a modicum of modesty.

“Very well, your preference.  I'm not sure whether you know my rules about maintaining position. In short, your bottom must remain offered up for paddle. Failure to do so will only earn you penalty swats.”

“Of course, Sir. That's the same as when I was a student here.”

“One final thing before we start; would you please roll your stockings down to your knees. It's probably not necessary, but in case you don't behave during your punishment, I'll be applying all penalty swats to your thighs.  This always seems to get the delinquent's attention.  In the process, I'd hate to ruin your stockings.  I know how expensive they are.”

Not liking the sound of that one bit, Jo-Ann did as requested. As she was carefully rolling down her stockings, AP Harding went to the wall and took the paddle off its hook.  (Only paddles made in the Tuttle HS woodworking shop were permitted. Hairbrushes and rulers, however, were teacher's choice.) Earlier today, Jo-Ann had seen AP Harding apply that dark, hardwood paddle to students in detention.  Thus, she knew the 12 strokes were going to be a challenge and was now having second thoughts about not having Mrs. Blum hold her in place.

Once the stockings were neatly at her knees, she began lifting her tight black skirt.  “One other option I can offer,” explained AP Harding, “is that I have a sort of make-shift restraint system using the drawer handles.  It's available to staff when the count is 15 and higher.”

Now, Jo-Ann had a new issue.  Should she opt for a guaranteed 15 strokes all on her bottom or should she stay with the sentenced 12 and hope she could hold position.  Problem, of course, is if she failed to hold position, the total count of 12 plus penalty swats could easily exceed 15. In addition, those “penalties” would all be on her tender thighs.  Another idea came to her; could she be punished with the hairbrush in place of the paddle - like in detention? Fortunately, she said nothing, because she quickly remembered how utterly embarrassing over the knee would be.

Just as her skirt was moving up above her behind, she replied, “Sir, based on my all too numerous paddlings, I believe I can take the 12 swats and hold position throughout. I do, however, appreciate your offer.”

Harding was a little disappointed as he felt: Warner was too soft. A dozen swats when the school lost $482.50!  She should be getting a minimum of 20!  Oh well, 12 swats it is and hopefully, she learns from this and pays more attention to her work.

With her skirt well above her bare bottom, Jo-Ann lay on the desk and grabbed the edge on the far side.

Harding, wanting more access to the sensitive under slopes of Jo-Ann's cheeks, asked her to reach down and grab the drawer handles.

To do this, Jo-Ann had to rise on her toes and then reach down for the handles.  End result was Jo-Ann's backside was now higher than her head and her undercheeks were in perfect position to receive the paddle.

Jo-Ann knew exactly why she was positioned like this - it was similar to the position he had Gina in at detention. She also knew these swats would hurt plenty and that sitting would be painful for a long time. Hoping to placate the somewhat grumpy AP Harding, Jo-Ann asked, “How is this, Sir?  Am I positioned correctly?”

“Yes, that's fine.  Just remember you must maintain this position throughout.”

“Yes, Sir! I'll do my best!”

After this exchange, he ran his left hand over her smooth firm, full cheeks.  Her bottom reminded him of the cheerleaders, who always had solid behinds from all the exercise they got jumping and running.


“Just performing my standard routine check for welts, bruises, or cuts that might force a postponement. It's quite common, you see, for our students to get punished at home. Adding to an already well punished behind serves no purpose and sometimes even prevents the student from attending class the next day.  So, we just postpone for a week, and this actually gives the students something to look forward to.”

“OK, your behind is fit to be paddled; just as I had expected.  Oh, I neglected to mention that this room is full of sound deadening materials.  In other words, you may be as vocal as you'd like.  Some students claim venting helps them with taking their swats.”

“Thank you, Sir.  Don't know whether it helps, but for me it's sort of out of my control.”

Harding was somewhat surprised at Jo-Ann's cooperation and acceptance of her punishment. In his experience, this often results in a positive outcome.  That is, the punishment turned into a real educational experience and the delinquent rarely repeated the offense.

Harding then began lightly tapping the paddle to the well-proportioned, pale white and slightly freckled bottom cheeks, in order to get both his stance and distance correct.  Meanwhile, Jo-Ann's bottom cheeks trembled slightly in anticipation of punishment she knew would be quite severe.  She knew that AP Harding was upset with the loss of money due to her mishap and would ensure that such a mistake would never happen again.

“Purpose of this paddling, Jo-Ann, is to punish and educate. Punish you for costing the school $482.50 and educate you on the importance of performing your job in an attentive manner.”

Having achieved a comfort level, Harding took the paddle back and slapped it down hard on Jo-Ann's bare behind causing a loud CCRACCKKK!!

As one who dispenses punishment quite often, Harding's philosophy was that every stroke should count and be pretty much of equal force, except for the last.  He believed the way to inflict a harsher punishment was through additional strokes not though additional force. In this way he was quite fair.  Everyone pretty much got an equivalent paddling when sentenced to the same number of strokes.

Whether he was fair or not meant nothing to Jo-Ann, as that first swat hurt something awful. Her silence was not caused by will power, but a lack of air in her lungs.  The paddle had simply driven all of the air from her.

She was determined to take as many strokes as she could without yelling out. This was not meant to show defiance, but rather respect and acceptance of her punishment. Yes, this first swat hurt, but that fireball of pure sting she had experienced many times before. She knew that when her resolved was finally broken, she'd be screaming out:  that it hurt and to not hit so hard. She knew that soon she would be begging for the paddling to stop, and that continued silence was impossible.

Harding continued to slam the paddle into the ripe, heavy cheeks of Jo-Ann's behind. Her cheeks jiggled and wiggled with each hard swat. No, one could take an entire paddling in silence and most screamed out by the third stroke.  Jo-Ann mildly whimpered on the third stroke.

But on the subsequent WWHHACCKK! she responded with “AAAOOOUUUUU!  IT HURTS!”

She subsequently howled on each of the following two strokes.

“Halfway through,” said AP Harding. “You may have a one-minute break, if you'd like?”

This is another typical Tuttle High protocol, with which Jo-Ann was quite familiar.  She immediately stood up, tilted her head back, and reached back with both hands to console her burning hind end.  She only had one minute so she wasted no time attempting to extinguish the flames in her hind cheeks.

“One minute is up! Back in position for the final six swats,” thundered Assistant Principal Harding.

Jo-Ann forced herself to get back across the desk and reach down for those drawer handles. This put her bottom was in perfect position, though quivering uncontrollably, to receive the rest of the discipline which the school paddle would provide.

“First half of your punishment, Jo-Ann, gets your attention.  Now, the real learning begins. You must exercise a high degree of self-discipline as holding position is a lot more difficult from this point forward, but... you absolutely must!  Failure, of course, will only extend your punishment. So, remain still, offer up your backside to the paddle and think about that lack of diligence that got you here.”


“YYYOOOWWWWWIEEEE” screeched Jo-Ann as the paddle just amplified the pain already burning deep in her bottom. Even though she had suffered way worse from her father's strap, her familiarity with corporal punishment didn't make it hurt any less. In an attempt to lessen the pain, she bucked her bottom up and down and from side to side.

This was met with an angry, “Stop squirming and concentrate on benefiting from your punishment!  Your inattention cost this school $482.50!”  WWWHHHACKKKK!!!

With great determination, Jo-Ann stilled her squirming hind cheeks which were rapidly turning dark red. They continued to quiver slightly as they patiently awaited further punishment from the paddle.

By the end she was begging for the paddling to end and to not hit so hard.  These, of course, were ignored with the last swat being the hardest and causing the firm, red bottom cheeks to go into convulsions - writhing and clenching.  In addition, she let out a wall-penetrating howl that culminated in serious crying with copious tears.

“Remain as you are until you can get yourself under control,” ordered AP Harding as he replace the school paddle on its hook. He then made notations in his staff punishment log fully aware that Jo-Ann was prevented from caressing her inflamed bottom cheeks as she cried and carried on. As he finished, Jo-Ann declared that she had regained control and asked, “Do you want me to stand in the corner, Sir?”

“That won't be necessary this time, but this better be the last time you forget to post those invoices. You are most fortunate that Principal Warner fails to understand the magnitude of your misdeeds. I mean, 12 strokes!  In my opinion, 20 swats would have done a better job of educating you. Next time you see Warner, you should thank him for being so lenient. Anymore performance issues, Jo-Ann, and you should plan on a minimum of 15 swats AND some corner time.  Now you may replace your clothes and head home.”

“Thank you, Sir,” replied Jo-Ann as she flipped her skirt down and began re-dressing.  As she walked home, the thoughts looping around in her mind were: 'Why in heavens name did I thank him?  What is wrong with me?  And what am I going to tell Arnold tonight? That was one awful spanking; my bottom is just steaming! I'll never do anything to earn another paddling from old man Harding! The indignity of offering up one's bare bottom for her boss to slam a paddle into is simply beyond belief!'


Well, there you have it. Another day at Tuttle High comes to a close.  Unfortunately for Jo-Ann, in spite of her good intentions, she experienced many more sessions with Assistant Principal Harding's paddle. And Arnold?  Well, Arnold did become Jo-Ann's boyfriend and he augmented AP Harding's discipline.  He did this to ensure Jo-Ann kept her job at Tuttle High.


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