Thursday, October 17, 2024

Belinda's American Education - Aftercare - Part 8

[Continued From - Part 7]

When Belinda opened her eyes she was a bit disoriented. She sat up and slowly gathered her wits. Her bottom still had a fiery glow from her punishment and judging from the clock on the wall she had been out just ten minutes or so. Apparently after the punishment she had been brought to this .. room? She looked around and saw a rather plain room with the minimum of furniture. A sofa, a few chairs here and there, a shallow cabinet on the wall and such. Nothing notable but it was spacious. She was now wearing the plain gray shift similar to the ones worn by the reformatory girls but sans underwear. Then she remembered being pulled off the punishment bench and carried here. The “Recovery Room” is what Brittany had called it. She tried to find a comfortable position on the sofa but with her welted bottom she mostly had to kneel. She stood up and tested the door. Locked. Apparently there was more than just recovery done here. Apprehensively she waited on the sofa. It was a bit difficult to sit due to the condition of her bottom so she had to resort to kneeling.

Soon enough she heard a key in the lock and the door opening. The door opened and in walked Brittany. Only partly surprised, Belinda eyed her cautiously. Brittany was dressed in a smart designer outfit with a knit skirt and matching top. Her ensemble was topped off with a fashionable hat and matching purse. Her look exuded money and it’s clear that’s what she wanted. Brittany eyed Belinda with a cool eye and a smile on her face.

“Is this how reform girls greet distinguished guests?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at Belinda.

Belinda glowered but she knew where she was so she stood properly and bowed her head. Despite her recent strapping she couldn’t help gritting her teeth at the situation.

Brittany smiled like a Cheshire cat. “Better. Now let's see your bottom. Turn around and raise your dress”.

Belinda obeyed. She hated being under Brittany’s power but after the strapping she really didn’t have the will to disobey. 

“Oooooohh. That looks painful. You poor girl. I hope you have learned your lesson.” Brittany came over and ran a light hand over Belinda’s bottom making Belinda jump. She turned Belinda around and gave her a mock hug. Then she pulled back and looked at Belinda with a fake look of concern. 

Belinda couldn’t help herself and pushed Brittany away. “Just stop pretending! There’s no one watching.” 

Brittany smiled again, “My dear. You best remember your manners.” She walked over to the cabinet and opened it. Now Belinda realized why it was shallow. Inside there were various paddles, canes, and straps hung on the wall. The cabinet was merely a housing to hide them. Belinda swallowed hard.

“This room is called a *recovery room* but it serves multiple purposes,” continued Brittany. “True, the girls are brought here after their punishments to recover. But wealthy donors often meet with the girls to assist in their “recovery”. Either they mete out additional *instruction* or participate in other activities.” She looked knowingly at the sofa and the stuffed chairs about the room. 

Suddenly Belinda realized the dual use of the various furniture. 

Brittany closed the cabinet. “You know, Ethan was practically *begging* to be the one to help you *recover*. Lucky for you, as your step mom I felt better if I came in. But.. if you don’t behave appropriately I’ll just leave and send Ethan in. Hmm?” She looked at Belinda coolly.

Belinda’s face grew red as she thought of Ethan and what he was capable of. Surely she’d be bent over the sofa right now enduring frenzied thrusts or worse. If anything she felt a modicum of gratitude toward Brittany. 

She bowed her head slightly and quietly said, “Thank you.” It galled her to say it but in truth she was grateful at that moment. 

Brittany beamed at Belinda’s change. She stepped over to the sofa and sat down. From her purse she removed a small jar of cold cream. “Good! Now that you understand your situation, come over mommy’s lap so she can help your sore bottom.” She then patted her lap and looked expectantly at Belinda.

Belinda hesitated for a moment. She didn’t know what Brittany’s game was but Brittany hadn’t taken anything from the cabinet. She didn’t want any more help from Brittany but there was nothing she could do. She reluctantly lowered herself across Brittany’s lap.

Brittany wasted no time in drawing Belinda’s shift up all the way to her shoulders. Now Belinda was bare from the mid of her back all the way down. Then Brittany opened the jar and scooped out some cream and gently applied it to Belinda’s bottom. Belinda couldn’t help wincing even with Brittany’s light touch.

“My my. These welts are certainly sensitive. And the birch seems to have broken some skin,” Brittany tsk tsked. Soon she had covered Belinda’s butt in cream. She continued rubbing it around Belinda’s buttocks.

“Brittany,” began Belinda. Suddenly Brittany’s hands clenched a little harder and Belinda squealed.

“Now now. I’m your step mother dear,” said Brittany. “I do deserve to be addressed with respect. You may call me Mother if you like or if you’re not ready for that, Miss Brittany”.

Belinda stomach tuned at those options but she really wasn’t in any position to object. “Miss Brittany,” she started again, choking out the words. “How is my father doing?” 

“He’s in the hospital still but we’re hoping for the best,” replied Brittany evenly. “We can talk more about him later,” she continued. “I think it’s best if we talk about our relationship. That’s the real reason I came here.”

Belinda waited. She knew this was the chance she had to get a confession from Brittany but she had to be smart about it.

“Spread your legs dear,” Brittany said as she continued rubbing Belinda’s behind.

Belinda apprehensively obeyed. Brittany next started rubbing cream down the inside of her thighs and between her cheeks. Belinda flushed with embarrassment. This was so humiliating. She absolutely hated the gold digging Brittany and being in such a vulnerable position was evoking emotions she couldn’t unpack. Brittany’s ministrations were actually gentle and soothing and that was making it all the worse. 

Brittany on the other hand was enjoying every minute of this. Here, she literally had Belinda over her lap, helpless and prone! With a welted and sore bottom, where Brittany could do anything she pleased! She eyed every welt, every scratch running her hands over the lubricated cheeks. It was intoxicating. For fun she felt between Belinda’s cheeks, even poking her finger into Belinda’s butthole. She delighted at how Belinda tensed up, could sense Belinda’s fists clenching, but still impotent to resist. It was a moment of victory she’d savor over and over. 

Brittany was musing as she stroked gentle fingers around all the welts. “My my. The strapping really covered every inch of your butt. You even have some welts between these cheeks.” 

Belinda didn’t reply. The complex swirl of emotions left her without much to say. The only feeling she had at that point was abject humiliation.

“So do you remember when we first met?” Brittany asked. Belinda stiffened at this question. It hadn’t gone well. In fact she had yelled at her father about dating someone so young and hand stormed out.

“Do you have anything to say about that?” Brittany continued. Her hands kept working the cream around Belinda’s butt. 

There was a pause as Belinda considered her response. She couldn’t come up with anything. “No,” she replied and awaited Brittany’s response.

Brittany responded by kneading Belinda’s butt cheeks with iron fingers. Her hands grasped full handfuls of flesh, squeezing the flesh between fingers. Belinda immediately kicked and squirmed but of course over Brittany’s lap she had no leverage. 

“Stop stop!” she cried, tears running down her face again. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry”. Brittany’s finger kneaded a little longer before pausing.

“Yes?” Brittany said with the hint of a smile. She was thoroughly enjoying this.

“I, I’m sorry for my behavior before.” Belinda babbled. It was clear she was in no position to say or do anything to anger Brittany. She just wanted to get through this and be sent back to her cell.

“Do you think it was appropriate for you to yell at your father about me?” Brittany asked. Her fingers, for now, were rubbing gently across Belinda’s ass.

“No no!” Belinda practically shouted. “I should have addressed you respectfully and welcomed you with open arms.”  Belinda felt thoroughly broken. She was willing to say or do anything to end this nightmare.

“Hmm. Well that is certainly correct. It seems you’re starting to learn better manners at this reformatory,” Brittany answered. “Now you’ll have to pay the price for that behavior..”

Belinda stiffened up in alarm. Was Brittany going to squeeze her tender bottom? It was clear even the lightest squeeze ignited the fire in the welted cheeks. “Please, I’m sorry…” she was ashamed to be begging but knew she was completely at Brittany’s mercy.

“Well I don’t mind putting a “pin” in this for later but there’s oh so many more infractions to discuss. I’m almost afraid we won’t be able to get through them all.” With that Brittany started kneading Belinda’s sore ass cheeks again resulting in Belinda squirming and sobbing again, legs kicking helplessly. But Brittany held Belinda firmly with her left arm and there was no danger of Belinda getting away. After a bit Brittany stopped and returned to her gentle touches while Belinda sobbed across her lap. 

“There there,” said Brittany patting Belinda’s bottom. “This will be good to clear the air.” She took another dollop of cream and spread it again. “Now on my birthday…”

So for the next half hour Brittany went over past incidents with Belinda, extracting apologies, kneading sore flesh and extracting promises of better behavior. Belinda tried her best to answer in a way to minimize things but it was clear Brittany was out to get her pound of flesh.

Finally it was over. Slumped over Brittany’s lap she lay exhausted and barely had the strength to lift herself off Brittany's lap.

“You poor girl,” Brittany cooed. “You’ve been through so much. Well I hope you’ll remember this in the future. You wouldn’t want a repeat.” That last part was said with a touch of malice but Belinda barely heard.

As she faded into a sleep she heard Brittany walk out the room and close the door. 

* * *

Two weeks later Belinda was back in the regular routine. Her ass still had visible bruising but was making progress to a complete recovery. And she had been walking on eggshells the whole time, behaving as properly as possible. She didn’t dare risk getting even the lightest spanking during this time. Lucky for her, it seems the instructors were a bit sympathetic as they didn’t target her for any contrived punishments.

An instructor came to her cell. “Belinda Krueger! Come with me.” She was led to the Dean’s office and soon she was standing respectively before the Dean.

“Belinda, I have some good news for you,” he began. “Your father is doing quite well, in fact I spoke with him yesterday. You see, last week he was admitted to the hospital, *out* of the care of Agnes and Brittany. He has been getting the proper care and is expected to make a full recovery.”

Belinda was shocked and overjoyed. “What, how?” she could barely talk.

“Well this is thanks to the work of Detective Duncan,” the Dean said. “You may remember her from the meeting. So we did have a hidden mic in the Recovery Room when Brittany visited. During her talks with you, she made a comment about Agnes’ shoes. I don’t know if you remember it because you were, um, well a bit indisposed. In any case, that comment enabled Det. Duncan to get a warrant and search Agnes where she found some illegal medication she was giving to your father keeping him out of sorts. It was hidden in the heel of her shoe. Agnes has been arrested and likely going to jail. Agnes implicated Brittany and she was arrested also. However, while Agnes is clearly guilty and most likely going to be convicted, Brittany’s situation is less clear. We have to wait and see.”

Belinda’s mind raced. Her father was recovering! That’s all she cared about. She couldn’t help but race to the Dean and give him a hug. He laughed and patted her back. 

“I can’t believe it!” she cried. Tears started coming out of her eyes.

“Now now,” said the Dean. “Save those tears for when your father comes for a visit.” He mentioned he would be over as soon as he clears his medical.”

Belinda couldn’t contain herself. She hugged him again and ran off to tell anyone who’d listen her good news.


  1. thanks a lot for this part 8 impatiently awaited since January!!

  2. Eddard,
    My man, thank you so much for continuing this story. I've been waiting with baited breath for the next part of this great story. Thank you again,
