Thursday, October 3, 2024

Just Another Day in the Tuttle Convent

Author's note: Time for another of my "Tuttle" stories set in a Southern US town during the 1950s.  Like most of these stories, the discipline is not nearly as severe as my judicial stories. 

This story is a little different in that it focuses on nuns not as disciplinarians, but as the recipients of discipline. Saying that, there is some reference to the fact that these "disciplined" nuns are also required to maintain order and dispense discipline in their classrooms.

Just Another Day in the Tuttle Convent

by Tiredny


Sun was completely gone as clouds quickly moved in from the West.  These clouds were low, very dark and looked threatening.  Sister Jeanette was concerned for her students, who were standing in formation waiting for the all clear signal to re-enter the school. All was quiet as the school powers were reviewing performance in the current fire drill, when suddenly there was the distant rumbling of thunder.

Sister Jeanette hearing the thunder, ordered her students to return to her homeroom quickly and pandemonium followed. Other students seeing Sister Jeanette's homeroom, followed suit and soon there was a mad rush for the school doors by all of the students.

Needless to say, the fire drill ended in complete disaster as a rapid, but ORDERLY re-entrance was a requirement of the drill. School's principal, Mother Superior Mary Agnes, was furious.  Actually, that's putting it mildly.  If this were olden times, she'd have Sister Jeanette drawn and quartered!

Eventually things returned to normal at St. Helen's Girls High School. Just before lunch, a messenger delivered the following note to Sister Jeanette:


SJ, see me immediately.


Sister Jeanette was not totally surprised by the summons from Mother Superior. Her overwhelming thought was, 'I am really going to get it this time!  Oh Lord, please spare me from a session in the Correction Room. Please... please...'

As Sister Jeanette expected, once she entered Mother Superior's office, she really caught it.  Fire drill was a complete failure and would have to be repeated.  Suffice to say Sister Jeanette was the cause of this failure as the thunder she heard was miles and miles away.  Mother explained that she calls the local Weather Service prior to every fire drill and was told a small storm would pass North of the school, several towns over. Thus, even Sister Jeanette had to agree that serious punishment had been earned here.

Now there was no question in Sister Jeanette's mind; she knew she was destined to spend some time in the convent's Correction Room.  This is the place where disrespect, poor attitudes, poor performance and most importantly, flagrant disobedience are “corrected”. Less serious offenses would be handled by Mother Superior in her convent office with the help of a school paddle.

“I assume, Mother, after this evening's Vespers, you'll want me in our Correction Room,” recited a very nervous young Sister as tears were forming in her eyes.

Not answering, Mother grabbed some paper and quickly penned a short note, which she folded over and handed to Sister Jeanette.  It was only then she answered, “Sister Jeanette, you certainly deserve a good strapping.  For this one time, if you are able to convince Father Carter to give you a good sound spanking with your PB, I will accept that as adequate punishment.  My acceptance, of course, will only come after my inspection of your punished hind end.  Sister Jeanette, do you understand?”

“Father Carter!!  The substitute Latin teacher??”

“Yes, that's correct,” and she continued, “When school is over for the day, you'll immediately head over to the convent's classroom where you'll find Father Carter.  Sorry, you should go to your room first and get your PB and then see Father Carter.  Time is of the essence as he returns to his quarters in the diocese, as soon as his Latin class with the Novices is over. Give him this memo and explain what he is to do. Is there anything further?”

Knowing she was being dismissed, Sister Jeanette replied, “No, Mother, and thank you, Mother, for being so considerate!”

As she headed back to her homeroom, Sister Jeanette looked over the note and though: 'WOW! I am getting the break of a lifetime. No, lying down on the punishment bench to have my bare backside whipped with that strap in front of the entire convent. All I have to do is convince this Father Carter to do his job well. I mean, this should be easy right?  After all he is a 'person of the cloth' and surely, he'd be willing to help another 'person of the cloth' in their time of need?'

Soon school was out; Sister Jeanette got her PB and approached the convent's well-furnished classroom. Upon entering she asked, “Father Carter?”


Father Carter had recently returned from a three-year stint at the Vatican. He was sent by his bishop, who had visions of achieving high positions in the Church hierarchy, but was sorely lacking in an understanding of Church politics.  Father Carter, through his monthly communications, was his hope for achieving a breakthrough in that understanding.

Upon learning of his assignment, Father Carter couldn't believe his good fortune.  That is, being sent to the Vatican!  What could be better? Naturally, he didn't realize, until he was there a few months, that he was nothing more than a glorified “errand boy”.  Nevertheless, he rather quickly achieved full proficiency in Latin, the official language of the Church, and was soon given more responsibility.  For the first year he was in awe of the Church and its organization.  By the second year, he was beginning to see “cracks” as politics began to rear its ugly head, but by and large he was still pretty much OK with the Vatican.

Due to his talent, he was given responsibility to manage several significant Vatican accounts.  At first, he loved this responsibility, but then “unexplained discrepancies” started to show up.  Money was lost or missing in several accounts, and he began asking questions.  No, one before him had even noticed the problems.  His questions became more and more embarrassing, and he was now totally fed up with the politics. 

One day a letter was received by his bishop stating that it was time for Father Carter to return home as he had learned all there was to learn at the Vatican.  The bishop was highly praised for sending such an intelligent and devote servant of God to the Vatican.

As far as the bishop was concerned, mission accomplished!  He got the accolades he wanted from the Vatican and learned much about its power structure through Father Carter.  As far as Father Carter was concerned, he was anxious to leave the Vatican.  His accounts were a mess. Money was “leaking” all over the place, yet his superiors were convinced the accounts were in perfect balance and everything was under control.

Upon returning to his “mentor”, the bishop, he was initially assigned to “roving duties”.  That is, he would fill in at parishes were there was a shortage of clergy.  Sickness and old age were the usual causes of these shortages.  Father O'Reilly, the Father Confessor at St. Helen's Convent, was hit with a serious “illness” and would be out of commission for three or four days.  Given his superb knowledge of Latin, the bishop immediately sent Father Carter to the convent to teach Father O'Reilly's beginner and intermediate Latin classes. Needless to say, but Father Carter was appalled by the novices' and nuns' complete ignorance of Latin.


“Yes, can I help you?”

“We haven't met before, but I'm Sister Jeanette and I've come to you with a request from Mother Superior”, said Sister Jeanette.

“Well, I'm delighted to meet you.  Is that for me?  Would you like me to scrub some pots?”

“What?? I don't understand...”

“That brush.  It's a pot scrubbing brush; isn't it?”

“Oh heavens, NO!  It's my punishment brush.”

“Punishment brush??  Now, it's me that doesn't understand...”

“It's simply really.  I'm here to request that you spank me with my punishment brush.  I even have a short memo from Mother Superior explaining everything.” Upon which, she handed the rather cryptic memo to Father Carter that read:



SJ needs 25 with her PB.



“This explains everything!?  Is this even in English?”

“Sorry! Mother is so busy that her memos are all very short.  Here, let me translate her English memo into... well English ha ha.  You see this first line is the date. Then FC is you...”


“You are Father Carter; aren't you?”

“Yes, but I've never been called 'FC' before.  Please continue.”

“Well, it's pretty simple. 'SJ' is me, Sister Jeanette, and Mother says I need 25 swats with my 'PB', punishment brush.  And MS is of course...”

“Mother Superior,” interrupted Father Carter.  “This is ridiculous.  Do you really want a spanking?”

“Of course not!  Spankings really hurt.  Mother wants me to be punished for.... well, I'd rather not say, but she is correct.  I really made a hash of things today.”

“Well, I'm SIMPLY going to tell her NO, and you should as well.”

“Oh, I can't!”

“And why can't you?” 

“Father, I took a vow before God of obedience.  You're not suggesting that I break my vow?”

'Crap!' thought Carter, 'I just knew this assignment would be a headache and a half.' “Of course not, but surely there is some other punishment.”

“That's NOT for you to say, Father. Mother has the responsibility to maintain discipline in both our school and our convent. Surely you understand the need for discipline in establishments like ours.”

'This Sister Jeanette has the partly line down pat. I've got to get out of here!' “Yes, yes, of course, you are correct, but here's the thing.  IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way.”

“But you can't just leave!  You must punish me first.  And what about Mother?  Surely you cannot simply ignore Mother's memo.”

'Oh shit! Here we go!  After three years of being immersed in Vatican politics, now they want to suck me into what... convent politics?? Lord, help me!' Upon pondering further, Carter concluded that while “Mother” may indeed out rank him in the church's hierarchy, she didn't out rank his mentor, the bishop. He decided to meet the challenge head on.

“Again, Sister Jeanette, you are correct. As a matter of courtesy, I should inform Mother Superior of my decision personally. I'll do that right now.”

“Oh good!  Would you like me to come with you, Father?”

'Hell NO! I don't want you to be spouting off the party line at every opportunity,' thought Carter, but said, “Thank you, Sister Jeanette. But it might be more efficient for you to stay here and prepare. You know... just in case.”

“Prepare!!  Prepare for what?”  This was followed by a moment of silence from both.  Then Sister Jeanette answered her own question, “Yes, of course... for my discipline. I'll begin immediately.”

'Finally, she's at a loss for words!' thought Carter as he headed for Mother Superior's Office.  He had a vague idea of where it was, but was totally impressed with the size and furnishings of her office complex.

He was greeted by a polite receptionist (he then remembered, 'The bishop had no receptionist!!') upon which he identified himself and asked if he could see Mother Superior. 

“One moment,” she responded and then used her phone to let Mother Superior know she had a visitor.  She then told Father Carter he was in luck as Mother desired to see him as well and she then escorted him into Mother Superior's office.

Mother greeted him immediately, “Well good afternoon, Father Carter.  We were just talking about you and we're all very pleased with your new appointment.”

Mother Superior was not alone; she had one of her top lieutenants on each side of her.  Father Carter then observed, “This is some office you have here Mother Superior.  Appointment?? What appointment?”

“Why thank you. Our office is three times the size of the bishop's and of course, three times the importance.  As for your appointment, an hour ago I was informed by the bishop that you are our new Father Confessor.  Congratulations!”

“WHAT!!!???  No, no, that's Father O'Reilly's job.  He's ill now, but I've been assured he'll be better in a few days.”

“Ill you say?  That worthless drunkard is recovering from a three-day bender. He'll not set foot in this convent again. As for his teaching abilities, well you, Father Carter, have forgotten more Latin than that he'll ever know.  Don't you worry about a thing; your new position is quite secure.  This morning, I had a long conversation with my cousin, and he highly recommended you.”

“Your cousin?”

“Yes, his eminence the Cardinal and we came to complete agreement on how you are such a good fit for our Convent. So, please don't worry about your appointment.”

'Double SHIT!  That son-of-a-bitch of a bishop buckled under pressure and threw me under the bus. Further resistance will be futile.  I guess I should accept the appointment as gracefully as possible,' thought Carter.  To that end he said, “Why thank you, Mother. I must say I'm at a loss for words.  This is so unexpected.  I don't have a clue as to what my new position entails.”

“Well, don't worry, Father.  I'll get you on my calendar at my first opening and we'll go over everything in detail.  Besides teaching Latin and I'm well aware of my nuns' and novices' illiteracy, I really need your help.   Discipline in both our convent and school has been on the decline for some time now.  Together we are going to turn this around.”

“I see and I'm guessing we are going to start with Sister Jeanette.”

“Exactly!  See,” as she turned to both of her adjutants, “My cousin told me he very perceptive! Father, rest assured, Sister Jeanette deserves everything you are going to give her.  Now, is there anything else?”

Recognizing that he was being dismissed, “No, Mother and once again thank you for allowing me to visit with such short notice.”

His mind was in turmoil as he headed back to the classroom. 'Fucking hell. Fucking hell. Unbelievable!  I am going to blister Sister Jeanette's behind so bad he'll won't be sitting until Christmas. That's it!  I'll show them. Yep! Wait a minute!  What am I thinking? That's exactly what they want!  No, what I should do is barely warm her seat.  That way, they'll think I'll totally incompetent and re-assign me. Yep, that's the right plan.'

As he was heading back, Sister Jeanette had “prepared” as Carter suggested by removing both shoes and underpants.  She was somewhat concerned: 'This Father Carter didn't seem too keen on punishing me. I hope he wasn't able to talk his way out of this. Lord help me, I dread with my whole being a session in the Correction Room.'

As he entered the classroom, Father Carter announced, “It seems, Sister Jeanette, I have a new assignment, and you are the first of my new duties.”

“Why that's good news!”

“Is it? It seems more like a pain in my...  ummm... actually a pain in YOUR rear!”

“Ha ha! Good one, Father!”

“So, what is the procedure?”

“Procedure?  There's no procedure.  You spank me 25 times good and hard, so that when I show my backside to Mother, she accepts that I've been adequately punished.  Now, if you don't do a good job of it, I'll have to go for a session tonight in the Correction Room.”

“Correction Room?  What in heavens name is that?” asked Father Carter.

“When we really mess up, that's where our behavior is 'corrected'.  We are fastened on the correction bench and the convent strap is applied to our bare behinds.  Father, it hurts something awful; plus, there is the enormous humiliation of being strapped in front of the entire convent. Father, you can't let me down here.  If you'll do, I'll get spanked by you AND still have a session in the Correction Room.”

'Oh crud!  This Mother Superior has thought of everything. There is no way out for me.' “Just great! So, you still haven't explained how I'm supposed to spank you.”

“Any way you wish, Father, as long as you use my punishment brush and spank hard.”

“Punishment brush?  This brush here? I mean it's bigger than a hairbrush, but smaller than a bath brush. Is this your punishment brush?”

“Yes, I have two of them - one here and another in my desk drawer in school.  Every nun has at least one.”

“Have you been spanked with this brush before?”

“Oh yes, many times and I've spanked my misbehaving students with it as well - many times.  Why just yesterday, I took two 'chatter boxes' into the cloakroom and spanked the daylights out of their bare behinds.  When we returned both asked if they could remain standing for the balance of my class. And, Father, just so you know, 25 swats is a fairly modest punishment.  I've experienced far, far worse with that brush.

“Hmmm, sounds like you have plenty of experience.  So, how do you want to be spanked?”

“Well, I could bend over your desk or even lie across it.  Either would allow you a full swing.”

“How did you spank your 'chatter boxes'?”

“I put them over my knee.  Why?”

“Well, if it's good enough for you, then it's good enough for me. Actually, I saw my father spank my older sister this way.  Boy, was he mad and did she ever get it!” With that he grabbed his desk chair and sat in it a short distance from the desk.

“This way, Sister,” said Father Carter as he grabbed her hand, pulled her over his lap and landed a WHHAPP on her habit covered backside with her punishment brush.

“WAIT A MINUTE, Father!  We have rules and this is never going to work!” yelled Sister Jeanette.

“Now what?  I thought you said, 'Anyway you wish'?” complained Father Carter as he pulled her upright.

“Yes, I did, but you'll never punish me enough that way to pass Mother's inspection.  Plus, we have rules.  All spankings in our school or convent are delivered on bare behinds.” And with that she reached down, grabbed her habit and pulled it up so that her backside was bare. As she repositioned herself across Father's knees, she was thinking: 'I must position myself so it's easy for Father to slam that brush across my entire behind as Mother expects to see some crimson, welted cheeks. I don't want him focusing on a single place as that might cause severe blistering and I can't be standing for all my classes tomorrow.'

Once in position before the first stroke landed, she silently recited this short prayer: 'Heavenly Father, please let me bear this well-deserved punishment with fortitude and humility, so that I may get the full benefit from it.'

Then she did something totally unexpected. She reached behind with both hands, crossed her arms in the small of her back and said: “Father, please hold my wrists tightly.  This will prevent my habit from falling back and also prevent me from reaching back and possibly getting injured by that brush. It's... the Convent's standard for over the knee.”

'Wow, I guess they really have a system here!' though Father Carter, but that was not his only though. Once she was in position, Father Carter seeing her nude from the waist down was impressed.  This Sister Jeanette was not some little nun.  She was easily 5' 8” and in excellent physical shape.  He guessed her age at around 26 to 28 and figured she must have played some sports.  (Turns out Sister Jeanette is one of the convent's best volleyball players.)

Her bottom globes were firm and jutting out, so he had access to every inch. As for her skin tone, her naked cheeks were pure white with a transparent quality.  In many respects, she reminded him of his older sister.  Then like his older sister he reasoned, she would really feel this spanking and would soon be begging for him to stop or at minimum, not hit so hard.

Time dragging on, he decided to begin and raised the brush to shoulder level and landed a firm swat to the far cheek.


Not only did he get no immediate response, but Sister Jeanette said, “FATHER, this is NOT going to work!”

“Now what's the problem?”

“You can't get a full swing in this position. You won't be able to produce the welts and bruises that Mother needs to see for me to pass inspection. I should be bent over or lying across your desk.”

A frustrated Father Carter responded, “Perhaps, but allow me to try once more.”  This time he raised the brush high over his head and slammed it in into the waiting cheeks with as much force as he could muster.



He answered with a constant barrage of:


Tile walls and floors just echoed the sound of the punishment brush striking bare flesh with force.

By the time he'd delivered a dozen swats, Sister Jeanette was howling, but she kept her hind cheeks in perfect position for the brush to do its job.  The brush landed and bit deeply into the nun's well-formed cheeks without any mercy. These nude quivering cheeks were bucking upon and down in an attempt to relieve the intense sting, but never once did they venture out of range from the brush. Nor did she ever once ask for the spanking to stop or beg for the intensity to decrease.

'If she wants a sound spanking,' thought Father Carter, 'she'll get one!  One she'll remember for a long time and hopefully, eliminate the need for any further sessions like this one.'

From the highest summit of her bottom cheeks to just above the thighs, not an inch of her behind was spared a hard visit from the punishment brush. She howled in pain, she wailed, but Father Carter continued until he delivered the last and final full force swat.

“Twenty-five and done!” remarked Father Carter as he helped Sister Jeanette stand up.  

First thing Sister Jeanette did is lift her fallen habit so that she could clutch and comfort her well punished hind end.  Most important to her was extinguishing the fire raging in her hindquarters. Tears continued to stream. She whimpered and moaned while rubbing and dancing from foot to foot.

Father Carter was surprised that such an “experienced” nun would blubber and carry on like a first-year novice getting her first real spanking.  Nevertheless, he was quick to recognize the danger in what she was doing and addressed Sister Jeanette: “That might be a mistake, Sister Jeanette. Should you be doing that?  I think you should let the fire continue to rage in your behind. I mean, don't you want your behind in the rawest state possible in order to pass Mother's inspection. Then, I'm guessing the sooner you have that inspection the better your chances of passing.”

By now the peak of pain had been reached and was slowly subsiding allowing Sister Jeanette to breathe again and to answer: “Right you are, Father.  That was some spanking!  I'm certain Mother will be pleased with the results, but, as you say, there is no point in taking any chances.  I'll be off to see Mother forthwith!”

“Just a bit of advice, Sister Jeanette, go as you are. Resist the temptation to wash the tears and mucus from your face.  Your Mother Superior is... well a person who demands to see actual results.”

“Right again, Father.  You did your job well and saved me from a terrible strapping.  I'll never forget that. Thank you so much, Father.”

“You won't be thanking me when you hear how badly I botched this.  I neglected to close the door!  A nun, I don't know who, walk by, peaked in and continued on her way.  I'm truly sorry!”

“Don't even give it a thought. We are in your classroom, Father, and any Sister would expect you'd be punishing one of your students for poor efforts.  Now, I really must be going.”


Well, there it is.  Another day in the convent like any other?  Not quite.  Significant change was afoot. Mother Superior desires significantly increased discipline in both the school and convent.  She needs a strong disciplinarian to bring this about. Will Father Carter be that person?


1 comment:

  1. Interesting. You're a great writer, and the artwork is nice as well.
