Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Liz Gets Hers - Part 3 (F/F, paddle)

For those that don't know, this is a followup to the series "Shannon's Spankings"

[Continued from Part 2]

Shannon, for her part, was dry mouthed. This was what she wanted but somehow it didn't seem real. She had of course imagined her self taking vengeance on Liz but her earlier failed attempt had quashed her hopes. Now they were rekindled with the all too real spanking Liz had just received. At first hesitating she now eagerly took the paddle from Ron and seated herself on the chair. She felt exhilarated

Both Ron and Shannon looked at Liz. "Umm. Liz. Get over my lap." Shannon tried to emit authority but it was a bit daunting. Liz after all, had been such a psychological torment to Shannon all those years it was hard to reverse things in a flash.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Liz Gets Hers - Part 2 M/F

Sorry for the delay everyone.
For those that don't know, this is a followup to the series "Shannon's Spankings"

[Continued from Part 1]

A few hours later an embarrassed Liz was inspecting her light pink bottom in her room with a closed door. Her pjs were puddled around her ankles and panties at half mast. Fingers stroked her butt searching for any blemishes but she didn't expect any. It was only a hand spanking after all. More infuriating than the sting of the spanking was the embarrassment of being draped over Shannon's lap. But she had not gone willingly and squirmed and fidgeted every step.

Outside a visibly frustrated Shannon sat on the chaise lounge in the living room. Things had not gone as expected. True, Liz had come back, appearing penitent and agreeable to the contract Shannon had proposed weeks before. Liz had signed it after getting settled. However, when it came to accepting her first spanking from Shannon she had been all but cooperative. Fussy, fidgeting and simply defiant she had managed to dodge the worst of the spanking. Finally Liz had been able to squirm off Shannon's lap and fled to the sanctuary of her room claiming to have fulfilled her obligations. She had received her "spanking" after all and was therefore absolved of her actions.

Shannon for her part, was furious at the entire matter but unwilling to attempt pure force to subdue Liz. There was no point in an all out catfight. It wasn't her way and in any event, she was uncertain if she could overwhelm Liz. What she needed was Liz to accept her authority. At the moment it wasn't happening so she was forced to place a phonecall to Liz's dad Ron.